Thursday, February 25, 2021

Tetons, June 2020 and OFY for Hazel

 So, sad day, I took my big camera to the Tetons so I could get high-quality pictures, and I came home and uploaded them, but now they are gone.  I think they got deleted while trying to shuffle them around to the right place or something.  :(  :(  :(  It's sad because I don't have hardly any pictures of the whole day when we hiked all the way around Jenny Lake, and up to Inspiration Point and Hidden Falls, and now no evidence.  :( (And after lugging my big, heavy camera that whole way!)  I do have 5 or 6 or so pictures that I downloaded to put on instagram, so I screenshotted those at least.

We pulled the pop-up to a boondocking place, and it was late late afternoon on a Friday, and we kept going past full sites, and prayed and prayed that there would be SOMETHING open, because we didn't have a Plan B for where to go.  That was stressful.  But our prayers were answered because we had a BEAUTIFUL, secluded site.  We couldn't even see anyone from our spot, and when we walked just a couple minutes up, this was our view.

These are out of order, but I don't really care.  The kids and Brett were hilariously entertained by playing King of the Mountain one morning.

Brett was showing off what he would do if a bear attacked.  Talmage believed it would scare the bear.  haha

See, this was definitely from the big camera.  I am pretty impressed by our hiking around.  It had to be at least 8 miles with the jaunt up to Inspiration Point.

We ate our lunches on that rock.

We passed a moose very near us on the trail!

I love these boys.

And this may be one of my favorite pictures of them ever.  

I believe Ethne was trying to prove she was buff enough to lift and move the full dutch oven.  'Trying' being the operative word there.

We met up on Sunday with my friend, Mary, from way back in Minot when we were both young'uns in high school.  Her boys and my kids got along splendidly and built a sweet waterfall.

Then, the reason for this very quick trip (got to camp on Friday night, had all day Saturday, and then Sunday was kind of chopped up waiting for Mary and her family, and then we left on Monday) was to take Hazel to Rexburg to meet up her OFY -Outdoors For Youth -- group.  Kiersten was there in her group and also Garrett, Lynnaea, and Anders were there too, but not in her group.  We stopped to eat lunch at the beautiful temple.

Here are a few pictures of Hazel from OFY.

And then, because Megan is a great older sister, she took Hazel with her when they picked up her kids, and then THEY spent the weekend in the Tetons so Hazel had a good long while camping. :)  I was jealous because they saw more wildlife than us.  

Aww, just part of the family.  :)

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