Monday, February 15, 2021

Third Day at Goblin Valley, Apr 18, 2020

This was Myles' picture I believe.   Yes, I just searched back through WhatsApp and he said, "I'm sure my mom is going to post lots of pictures, but just so you know, Jethro and I went all the way to the top of temple mountain." :)

Navy loved Myles so so much this trip.  She said, "I'm going to marry you!" And Jethro was there, and offended, since she had said she was going to marry him after he came back from BYU, said, "What about me?!!"  and Navy thought and said, "You can be our servant."  hahahahhahaaaaa  Poor Jethro.

This day's ride had steeper, more technical terrain.  Orrin did so well though!!

I just adore these filthy boys!!

So the way the rides would work is that the fast (older) people would go for a while, and then when there was a good spot, they'd stop and wait while the slow (younger) people caught up.  And Megan always brings up the rear in the Pioneer because she medic, so if anyone happens to be dying on the side of the trail, she'll see them and be able to revive them.  And I ride in the pioneer with her because I don't like riding motorcycles by myself even though I did learn that summer in Pittsburgh.

Such a cool picture!

Ethne took a turn for a while.  Yeah Ethne!!

(One picture by me with Megan in it, one picture by Megan with me in it.  haha)

Bell family awesome picture!!  (Well, Bells except me, Hazel, and Navy)

Barneys awesome picture.

Wyatt needed some support, but with a great dad, he made it.  :)  Melted my heart just a little watching them.

Hazel taking a turn on the 4 wheeler with Uncle Jared.

Climbing some big rocks.  It was so fun.

HAhaa, she's so funny here.  Dirty little pink child.

Another drive with some of the younger kids staying home this time, and me riding behind Brett on his dirt bike.

So many epic shots on this day!!

The way this ride worked is that we all drove for a while, and then we'd stop at a likely spot and rest for a bit and the people who were dare-devilish would go off jumps and I would take pictures.


Myles and Ethne, maybe, behind him





Wyatt's knees. Hahaa, definitely means he's been having a lot of fun.

This cracks me up.

The girls and I went for another ramble before dinner? after dinner?  Anyway, climbed up some rocks.

QUITE a view.  wow.

Looking down on our camp.

Navy, blissfully happy playing with dirt and a cup.

Always love the good times around the camp fire at night.

It was Brett's birthday that day.  Happy birthday, Brett!

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