Friday, February 19, 2021

Early May 2020, lots of hikes

 All these May pictures are just so amazingly pretty to me right now, in the midst of February mud and whiteness (when there's a little snow).  The green!!

Kids playing with a dolly.  :)

I took a lot of pictures of this because ALL of the kids were playing together (minus Jethro who probably was at work).  That's not all that common, so it made me feel so happy and cozy.

Wyatt hugging Navy?  I did not set any of this up, I was just watching through the window.  

At-home church.  We didn't really excel at our preparations, but Talmage was cute reading a scripture.


This is how Navy tries to win.  haha

Another walk around the marina.  My kids eventually started complaining when we went here because they were so bored of it, but come on--it's 5 minutes away and that beautiful BLUE!

I don't know why I got so far ahead of everyone else (I vaguely remember being with Orrin), but I love these pictures of them all walking along in a line.  Soooo cute!!!!

It reminds me of this picture from the book, We're Going On A Bear Hunt:

Weird selfies.

I think this was from another day when I went for a run around the marina, but had to keep stopping to take pictures of all the beautiful things and the ducks and ducklings and geese.

I love little first-grader writing.  "I like gowing to my gramo haws."  I like going to my Grandma's house.

"I lik holloween... I was a Motocross prsin for holloween."

Hazel did more paintings in this faceless style that is popular.  I really should have the picture that she based this off of, from Danica's wedding, of Kiersten, Maloree, Hazel, and Brynne.  It's one of my favorites.

This was when Andrea and her kids, Kami and her kids, Amy and her kids, me and my kids, some of Megan's kids, and my mom met up and hiked in Snow Basin (I can't remember the name of the hike, but you end up looking over the Ogden valley, I think?).

Best part was how the bigger boys (Chad, Anders, Cowen) got down faster than a lot of us, so they stripped down to their shorts and started playing in this little pond of snow-runoff.  It was FREEEEEZING cold.  But then the littler kids had to prove their toughness and jump in too.  We stayed there playing and watching everyone's faces for a while and it was so fun.

Go, Obi!!!!

Wyatt going in...


The proud champions of the cold!!  (When I posted these pics on instagram one of my friends said, "What is it with your kids and freezing water?" and I was like, "It's just such a good way to show off your manliness.")

So I remember when we got back to the parking lot we saw a couple police cars and we all literally had the thought, "Are we going to be in trouble for all being together?" Such was the weirdness of Covid times.  And luckily we were not in trouble-- it was a weird time where people were way more freaked out than now, because everything was new, but there were a lot fewer real guidelines so it was harder to know how to 'follow the rules.' Like, masks weren't even mandated yet.  So, yeah, weird times indeed.

These two pictures were from a hike Brett and I went just over on Deep Canyon trail (comes off same beginning as Wayne's Loop).  We thought we might get to the top but the snow stopped us.

At the Burris' house.  Navy is lucky to have big brothers.

GOSH our valley is so beautiful.  This is from one of the people's house just above our house.

Another family portrait Hazel did, for one of Lindsay Ann's sisters.

Providence Canyon trail.

Orrin going straight up the shale for fun.

Navy doesn't mind having a big black beetle on her.

Another hike. This one with Grandma in Blacksmith Fork Canyon left-hand fork, or something like that.

We like hiking with Grandma because she sings a lot and keeps Talmage in line by kissing him.  :)

We climbed this big, tall rock outcropping which was awesome.

Then we made flower crowns.  It was awesome.

And this was from a different month, I think, but Jethro chased and caught a pheasant (that cuckoo one that was always around our house).

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