Monday, February 15, 2021

April 2020 things

 Here are some April miscellaneous pictures and things.

I bought a new dress and never wore it anywhere for so long because we didn't have church. haha.

Awesome memes were some of the best things to come out of the pandemic.

Orrin's awesome teacher that I loved (because she loved Orrin so much and always complimented him a ton) put together these at-home Harry Potter kits--so sad that they missed the Harry Potter unit at school.

Dad's new baby.

More watercolor painting by Hazel.

Hike in Willard with a nice view to the bay.  The first part was killer steep and hot, but after that it was nice.

All the kids had to dip their heads in the water.

Some more horse time.

Cutest little cowgirls!

This picture is to show how Brett built something with K'nex for his actual work.

Hazel and Brynne painted Grandma's playhouse.

While the rest of us helped stack wood.

Andrea and Tim and Brett and I played Codenames (my FAVORITE game) over zoom, which was pretty cool.  Never would have thought to do that before Covid.

One day the sky was mostly cloudy but one shaft of bright light came down and perfectly lit up the temple.  It was so awesome!!  I should have grabbed my real camera to take a picture so it would be better quality. Oh well.

Easter Egg hunt at our house because it's Amy's family tradition.

Painted our walls!

Hazel painted a family portrait for Wyatt and Lindsay Ann's family.  I wish I had the original to show.

The school had a drive-thru to pick up the final packets of the kids stuff since it was officially decided they wouldn't be going back.  Here's Wyatt and his teacher, Mrs. Swazey, who was awesome.  It was too bad that they didn't get more time with their wonderful teachers.  However, Navy was super duper happy to have the kids home more to play with, so for her, Covid was awesome!

In Orrin's papers was this one from the first day of school.  I thought it was funny how one of the words he picked to descrive himself was "hungry."  haha

Brett's better at painting than me.  Which is actually annoying, because I do try hard!

Lame grey, get out of here!  Much better to have blue--the best color.

Walking around Benson marina again.

Since they weren't having in-person YM/YW (or very frequent zoom ones either), they wanted kids to pick their own service project and post a picture of them doing it.  So I had them go around the marina and pick up garbage.

Lindsay requested Hazel to paint the old Ogden temple for her.

Oh the beautiful green of spring!

On March 25 I wrote on instagram: So what I'm READING everywhere is "now that you have all this extra time being quarantined, you should _____ (do all these extra wonderful things with your kids, start and finish a big project, learn a new skill, etc. etc)" but what I'm EXPERIENCING is that even though there are fewer extra-curriculars to go to, no church to go to, no school to go to, I feel busier than ever.  Because, you know, there're seven kids at home all day."

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