Friday, February 19, 2021

Last of May 2020

 Brett, Ethan, Wyatt, and Dad went on a ride.  I stole these pics and video from Ethan.  They got snowed on.  haha.

Then Wyatt and Lindsay Ann took all my kids except Navy back to Montana with them for a week.  Here are pics from their trip.

Apparently the first night they were there the fire alarm went off in the middle of the night and it took a while for them to figure out how to get it to turn off.  :)

Playing on the zipline and treehouse.

Meanwhile in Utah, it was still spring green beautiful.

And Navy was an only child (which we realized was a mistake.  Having MOST of your kids gone is really not that great--why didn't we just send one more?? Probably because Wyatt and Lindsay didn't want any hard kids, but Navy's not really hard.)

Another hike up Blacksmith Fork with Grandma and Amy and Andrea and Clover and Annabel.

Good job to previous owners of our house for planting all the gorgeous irises!

Getting together for a 'socially distanced' gathering.  I love lights!

A friend let Navy come see their brand-new kittens.

A walk around the marina with Navy.

This is when Brett taught her that these are Russian Olive trees, and the next day when I asked her what they were she tried really hard and said, "Mexican Avocados?" 

A beautiful ride with Grandma and Grandpa.

Navy's hair after she took off the helmet.  HAHAHAHAAA

Dad came over and used Brett's tools to alter his trailer door thingee.

Went and played a little softball with Mom and Dad, Amy, Megan and Jared, and Tim and Andrea.  I loved it because I love softball, especially I looooove batting!  There were a lot of funny things, but the funniest was my sister Andrea, who said several times that she doesn't have a good arm (for throwing) adn that she wished she had an arm like mom's.  So later she was batting ad she was hitting them just CRAZY far!! And I said, "You can hit SOOOOOO hard!!! How come you can't throw farther?" And she said, "Because I'm strong... but I'm pathetic."  hahhhaa
Then we went and had fries and gravy and Thai pizza and it was delicious.

Talmage borrowed money from me (he was TRYING to weasel more money out of Orrin and Wyatt, but I made him pay equal amounts!) and bought these airsoft guns.  Then they played 'Run and Gun' where someone runs, and everyone tries to shoot them.  I declined to play, although they said it is very "invigorating."

1 comment:

kami said...

Run and Gun. Still makes me laugh so hard.

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