Friday, March 19, 2021

Some more August 2020, Jethro's Mission Call, First Day of School

So actually the very night that we got home from Oregon, I finally asked Jethro whether he'd heard about his call coming or not.  It was kind of overdue, and he said, "Yeah, it was sent a couple days ago."  And I freaked out a little because how could he have just chilled, knowing that he had his call in his inbox?!!!  So he dressed up and read it.

This turkey knew he had his call for TWO DAYS and didn't tell me while we were on the last days of our trip. I was DYING wondering when in the world it would come--I even told him about a dream I had that his call had come and that I was so excited but then the letter just said that his mission papers had been resubmitted for a clerical error--and he just grinned at me NOT TELLING me that he had his call at that very moment!!! I honestly don't know how he remained so calm, the potlicker (I am not a wait until Christmas to see what your presents are type-- I am a sneak in and open them early type)!
Anyway, I am soooo proud of and soooo excited for him!! He will be such a great missionary!!

Washington, Vancouver Spanish speaking

The next day was the first day of school for the kids.

7th grade

4th and 2nd

11th and 8th.  ELEVENTH?  I'm still not cool with that, and the year is almost over.  smh

Masks were mandatory this whole year, but we stayed in school in-person!  SOOOO happy we were here and not back in Pittsburgh where they were not back in-person for a long time, and then it was a mess of online days and in-person days.

Picking chokecherries.

They built sailboats.

Some bug REALLY liked my lisianthus'.  They ate them all so bad, and left other flowers alone.  So mad.

Seeing how much weight one sheet of paper could hold.

First day of preschool!!!

Nerf gun war with Uncle Tim and Aunt Andrea's.

Kami took this awesome picture of Dad.

I had a birthday.

I really LOOOOOOVE that my mom happened to come in our basement today and happened to go into Talmage's bedroom, and when she saw that he had left his church clothes on the floor and his bed wasn't made, she started beating him and harassing him and made him hang up the clothes and make the bed. ❤️❤️❤️ I mean, this is the kind of support we could use more of in this world. 🙏🏻 My mom is the best.

1 comment:

The Haws Family said...

I love all your back to school photos and your beautiful flowers and jealous of you guys and your immediately in person school. Our school *just* started allowing outdoor recess. With like 8 weeks to go--it's not even worth enrolling them now. Sigh.

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