Thursday, January 22, 2009

what to do, what to do

Don't you hate it when you have so many things you should/want to do that you dither around doing nothing?

Like now.
I should go grocery shopping as we have no milk.
I want to work on a nightgown I'm making for Hazel.
I should do the dishes.
I want to make a tutu for Ethne.
I should clean the house.
I want to make Magic Cookie Bars, because they're tasty and I'm snacky.
I should go to Macy's to return some clothes.
I want to read a book that I started ages ago and haven't picked up since.
I want to blog all the cute pictures I've taken recently.

What will it be, what will it be?


Jenifer said...

Hear, Hear! (except substitute school and work stuff for the kid stuff)

Brooke said...

i choose eat icecream


beSlightlyAskew said...

I'm not gonna do any of it and take a nap instead.

Lynn said...

BLog! I love it when you Blog! : D

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