Saturday, January 24, 2009

phone call

I forgot to mention my interesting phone call today. Someone called and said "I will take you there, and we will see who lives," and then hung up. I'm pretty sure my brother Wyatt wouldn't have any idea who it could have been.....

I love random phone calls such as that.

(By the way, it's a quote from the movie The Jungle Book. Maybe something you picked up at the D.I. recently, Oh Nameless Brother of Mine?)


Lindsay Ann Rasmussen said...

That did happen to be one of the movies that we picked up. Why is it that we get blamed for everything??? ;0)

Lynn said...

Okay........I truly hope that was your brother.....cause that statement is kind of scary! : S

The Haws Family said...

That is really funny, especially since I have two voice mails saved on my phone, one that is a high-pitched barking, and one that is this really insane indian war-call. I find them endlessly amusing, and keep them. Although I'm pretty sure the barking was a sister.....haahaa!

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