1. Last night Brett and I went on a date. The kids were babysat by a lady in my ward who said she'd babysit for me for taking pictures of her 1-year-old. First, we called a couple for whom Brett had worked on their car--they also said they'd pay us back in babysitting, but were unable to last night. I love how we live in a bartering system where babysitting is the most valuable currency.
2. Today Brett is going to look at a motorcycle. He's taking the car, which leaves me with the Scout. I've only driven the Scout all by myself once. It's a lot more difficult than ordinary vehicles. There's a whole start-up and shut-down procedure. I'm going to have to get him to show me again before he leaves because I don't remember it all. Plus it's big. And very conspicuous.
3. My hair is getting annoying--it actually requires time and effort now rather than the scrunch-and-go that it used to be. So, if anyone is dying to come be my personal hairdresser for the rest of my life, I'll allow you to.4. Here is a funny picture of Kami from when we were in Arizona a year and a half ago. She is in Arizona right now, but we might get together and do something fun this coming weekend. YAY!! Have I mentioned how much I love Kami and how I'm soooooooo glad she moved near me?! YAYYY!!!!
5. I'm supposed to be working on a project with one of my sisters for another sister for Christmas. I'm losing steam so my sister that is working on it with me keeps calling to harass me. Arrgh. I can't say any more about it because the sister we are surprising reads this blog.
6. Brett wants me to seal the grout in the kitchen. I keep avoiding doing it, and last night he said something to the effect of his liking my spontaneity, and I said, "See, I couldn't seal the grout because you've told me to so many times it would be completely un-spontaneous," and he tried arguing that it would be very spontaneous for me to actually do it one of the times he tells me to. But don't worry, I'm not falling for that twisted logic.
7. Blake, Brett's younger brother, is dating a new girl. Which means I will again increase the frequency of my calls to him to get all the juicy details. Which reminds me...
8. Lindsay's man, Alan, got his mission call to Brazil, so no more juicy details from that direction (at least for a few weeks). Just kidding--Lindsay's never been one to give too many juicy details. Ruff.
9. I love cowboy hats. Brett looks sooooo good in them, but he has always refused to buy one. I told him last night that the deal is he can buy a motorcycle if he also buys a cowboy hat. We'll see if he is a man of his word. (Since either way he's going to buy a motorcycle, I may as well say that I'm okay with it, so that at least he "thinks" I'm allowing it.)
10. I entered pictures of my kids into a Gap contest. If they won they would get a Gap wardrobe, get to have a photoshoot for Gap advertising, and a bunch of other cool stuff. (Thanks for letting me know about it Kristi! --here is the link so you can all enter your kids if you want to.) The chances of them winning are exceedingly slim, but I still think they are cute and will continue to post a gajillion-million pictures of them on this very blog. :)
11. Brett has always said he wants to move to Switzerland (where he served his mission) for a little while after he graduates, and I've always been hesitant about the idea. But when we went to church with Kami in Chicago, we talked to a couple who are both from Europe (England and France), and the wife was saying that Switzerland is incredibly beautiful, in fact, "It's the Celestial Kingdom." It made me want to go!
12. Parent-teacher conferences are next week for Jethro. I'm very excited. I've always liked them, I would try to get my mom to tell me every little thing that was said about me. One time one of my high school teachers who also had Kami told my mom that even though a certain boy (who my mom also knew) was in Kami's grade, he always walked me to class. Interesting that she noticed....and shared with my parents.
13. I asked Jethro today what he would be able to do when he was 8 (looking for a specific answer, obviously), and he said, "Drive." I laughed really hard and said, "Drive what?" and he answered with a shrug, "A car." Later, when I told Brett this story, he laughed but then said, "Hmmm....maybe off-road."
Was that Mrs. Strube that said that Kayli? Ha Ha. That's funny. I never knew that she noticed Thomas walked you to class. Hee. HEe.
Kayli, no matter how many arghs you post I will CONTINUE TO HARASS YOU until I get a certain something in my inbox.
Yeah, He'll probably be driving something by the time he's 8, off-road. This is fun to read---haven't looked at it for a long time!
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