Friday, April 27, 2007
Random news
*Warning, I rambled for a long time on this one, so if you do not know my family, you can skip reading this, although I tell you that there are some really funny stories, especially the last one.*
This episode of Meet the Family is on Megan....the very first in line of the all of us nine. Talk about a tough job--I mean, being the "lazy one of the family" and all is no piece of cake either, but I don't think I'd trade. She had to take care of us a lot. Poor thing. And she didn't get a prom dress. And her chicken didn't win a ribbon. Poor thing. BUT she is incredibly awesome and talented and Beautiful. That's her with me sleeping on her, (don't I look like Ethne in that picture? --yeah right, you can hardly see my face) and then her holding me---although I don't know if she's the one that dressed me up as a pirate. Maybe that's where my piratical tendencies began. Anyway.
See, poor Megan is on the bottom of that dog pile...and that's not even all of us!

This is me and Megan at Disneyland (and my cousin Maria and my sister Kami behind us. I know, I look weird in that picture. Oh well.)

Thursday, April 26, 2007
Long time no blog. Well don't worry, I'm back. I've felt kinda busy, doing some stuff. Last week I joined the crowd (my mom, my sister Andrea, along with several people in the wards around here) and made some strawberry jam. It is very tasty. Hence, the picture of the strawberry on Hazel's finger in the top left. (By the way, there is some pictures of her haircut, Linds. She's still pretty cute I think, Brett!) I've done other things too, but I can't remember right now. Today I finally made Brett's REAL birthday dinner. When it was his birthday I was busy with other things that day, but I finally made him a good dinner and his FAVORITE...strawberry-rhubarb pie. He walked in and saw it sitting on the stove (it was very pretty, I must admit...lattice top and everything) and his eyes really did light up and he was sooo excited. I am not a fan of cooked fruit, so I never make any of that kind of stuff for pies or cobblers, etc. Anyway, then I
stole an idea from a friend, Julie Norwood, and wrote 28 little reasons why we love Brett and put them inside 28 balloons (cause he turned 28, get it?) and he had to sit on them to get the note out. Good times.
Here are some cute pictures of Ethne with a tulip from our house. First she wears it, then she inspects it, then she eats it. :)

Sunday, April 22, 2007
Okay, so when Hazel puts on her panties by herself she has a hard time getting them exactly right. Brett and I discovered her this way and I HAD to take a picture...HAD to. *SO* funny.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
sampa sana squashed banana
I feel like I don't have anything interesting to say, so I will just post some pictures. Oh wait, that's what I normally do anyway. :)
These pictures are of our little friend Morgan. We went to visit our friends who moved to Waynetown, IN a while back. We drove there right after breakfast, and my kids never do very well in the car after breakfast, and it was kinda up-and-down roads, so Hazel started getting sick. Well, we got there and got out of the car, so I thought we were safe. I asked her if she was okay, and she said yeah, but then she came up to me and said, "I need a doctah." But I still thought she'd be okay and it would wear off momentarily. So we go into their garage/entryway area and knock on the door, Kris answers it and Hazel throws up. HI! Anyway, then she felt fine and we had a fun time. We made bread and Kris says that it turned out good, so I was relieved. I have a reputation to uphold! j/k Anyway, I brought my tutus and took some pictures. I feel like I am getting to be a pro at tutu pictures. So I guess I could become a professional tutu photographer. Too bad for the boys...we'll have to get a manly colored tutu---brown maybe?
It was Brett's birthday yesterday but I didn't make a cake---bad wife! I had too many errands to run (like last minute present-shopping) and then it seemed like the forces were against me. Brett came home early, and right before he came Ethne had a blow-out. Anyway. He did get a cool Carhartt coat as a present which he's wanted all winter. Kinda late now, but that means it was on clearance. He needs a warm coat for when he's working on the car in the winter. I also got him some jeans that he needed and a cool t-shirt that says 'Red's Autobody' Full Custom and Repair' with a bird on it that reminds me of the Thrush bird, which you may or may not be familiar with. But when I very first met Brett he had a t-shirt with the Thrush bird which is a brand of muffler that he was very proud of. Too bad I didn't think to get a picture of him in his new shirt and his pants. Which are hot. Well, I mean he is hot in the shirt and pants. And out of them. But you didn't care to know that did you?
I've decided to keep Ethne in a bucket. Doesn't she fit perfectly?
What else? Well, I got my hair cut again, and Hazel's, and I don't know which Brett is madder about. What do you think of this picture? She kinda looks like an elf, eh? A mad elf. Hee hee.
Brett says he thinks she looks like an oompa-loompa. Our little oompa-loompa. Oopa doopa, doopity doo. I have have another riddle for you. I wish I could write a few more of those lyrics, but I can't remember any more at the moment and am too lazy to look it up.
Well, that's about it for tonight. It's been a slice.
Monday, April 16, 2007
You knew this was coming, right?

Kami Sue Sue
(All these pictures are of me and Kami except the one at the bottom with the bunson burners. But I had to put that one in because it's one of my very favorite of Kami.) Hmmm, how to begin describing Kami. It’s impossible, but I’ll give it a go. Kami and I were born 20 months apart but I always pretended to be the same age as her cause we felt like it. (I should say I felt like it.) She is the greatest artistic genius I know—cause she can do anything! Truly—she draws fABULOUSLY, and she can also paint,
sew little projects—like when we were really young she wanted to make moccasins so she looked at a picture and just MADE them…it was amazing—I couldn’t figure out how she just made them without really know how—that’s how she is all the time. She made this PHENOMENAL belly dancing outfit for my other sister for her wedding. She did have quite a bit of help from my mother-in-law with the actual sewing part on that one, not the design though. She also is great at floral designer (did the beautiful flowers for my wedding), interior decorating, sculpture, cool hair design, sand castles…basically anything you could think of. She used to collect colored tin foil wrappers of candies and make these AMAZING collages out of them. One time it was some fancy saloon girl dancers, and another time was a quetzal, which is a bird. Which brings me to my next point.
She is the most amazing collector of random scraps of information. She knows all kinds of details about all sorts of weird things. She loves reading the National Geographic. Who really reads the National Geographic and doesn’t just flip through the pictures?! Kami. Sometimes, when Brett and I have a question about something that’s random, I say “I bet Kami would know! We should call her.” She’s a bit like the absent-minded professor.
She reads all sorts of intense literature too. She read ‘War and Peace’ and every other dull and long classic like that in about the 8th grade (j/k I don’t know if it was the 8th grade or not….something like that). Now she reads books that are about the Muslim people and stuff like that. Weirdo.
She likes things that are exotic and outlandish, from food to music to movies etc, so she went and married a guy from Colombia named Leonardo. So now she has a father-in-law named Orlando and a brother-in-law named Cesar which I think is pretty sweet. Her husband is also a pilot, so she’ll actually really get to go travel which she thinks is pretty sweet.
When we were growing up we were pretty terrific friends. We were fairly different, but always got along really well because I think our differences were pretty complementary. Okay, let me amend that. We USUALLY got along really well. Not always. We definitely fought sometimes. Especially when we’d make deals and then someone didn’t hold up their end of the bargain to the other’s satisfaction. I remember when we lived in Provo, so I was four or so (isn’t that weird that I can remember being the same age as Jethro is now?) and she wanted me to wear a particular dress to church in the morning so she did something for me that night in exchange. Well, the morning came and I didn’t want to wear the dress. Big fight. Not I wasn’t always so much to blame. Once while sharing a room we got in a fight over having the window open or closed because Kami had put a cricket in the window well because she liked the sound of it chirping, and I did not. Speaking of fighting, there’s something you should know about Kami. She’s pretty much emotionally unstable for at least a few days out of the month. If you should happen to make her mad during those few days WATCH OUT!!! I’m not kidding. Just steer clear, and you’ll be much happier. (Kami, I wasn’t going to mention this, but then on your own blog
you said that you had an emotional breakdown, so I figured it was okay.) One night, I was minding my own business doing something on the floor by our bunk beds, and Kami came storming in, didn’t see me and walked into me and because I had the audacity to be where she was walking, she pummeled me with her fists in a blind rage. Once I had gotten away from the mad woman, it was actually kinda funny. Brett loves Kami to death, but sometimes when I tell him about one of her breakdowns he’s like “Man, I could never live with her.” Hee hee. That’s cause if you live with Kami, you have to learn to just chill through those episodes. She married a good man for the job. He’s so patient that he taught her to Latin Dance! We all (her family) were amazed at how exceptional she is at it, as dancing isn’t a skill that comes as naturally to her as some of her others. We’re glad she’s in your hands, Leo!
She had a very lovely baby girl about two weeks before I had Ethne so that has been so fun, comparing what our babies are doing over the phone, and lamenting about all the laundry, etc. I CAN NOT WAIT until she lives close to me!!!!! It will be so fun.
Oh, and I was about to wrap it up, but how could I forget to mention that she collects vintage hats. That’s right. Not too long ago she called me to say that she felt a little guilty to have just spent a substantial sum on vintage hats. So. There you go.
Kami is cool. Kami is beautiful. Kami is very nice to me.
Well, now you know some of the cool things about Kami and you are in a much more enlightened state of living. But, (as Lavar Burton says on Reading Rainbow) you don’t have to take MY word for it! She has a blog: thelatorrefamily dot (Yeah, I totally made her start one. [vain look]).
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Yahoo!! YAHOO!!! yahoo! YaHoO!!!!!!!!!! My WONDERFUL WONDERFUL COOL SWEET AWESOME SISTER KAMI IS MOVING TO CHICAGO!!!! I will be a lone woman in the midwest NO LONGER!!!!!! And we are going to play play play play play play play! Kami, Brett said that if I call around and get veggie oil for him I can drive there as often as I want. (He's also says he'll have to teach me how to change the fuel filter in case the need should arrive.)

Thursday, April 12, 2007
What's your guess?
Once upon a time a girl named Kayli knew she was going to be released from her primary calling. So, after being in the primary for about 3 1/2 years it was time to move on. She also knew that being in a ward where there would be a great flux of people leaving in the summer, she would probably get a new calling soon. She wondered what it would be. She was hoping that it would not be Young Women. In fact, she even made a little joke while talking to her younger sister Lindsay, who was the Laurel's Pres and was excited to move on to RS as she was done with that scene. Kayli said, "Yeah, I don't know if I'd be very good with YW--adolescent girls don't always bring out the best in me." And Lindsay agreed, saying, "Yeah, that's why when I got to be an adolescent I started hanging out with the boys." And Kayli said, "Yeah, that's why when I got to be an adolescent I got married." Ha haa. So, on the way to the church to speak with one of the bishopric members, Kayli got a little nervous that she had talked too much and would be called to YW. No. She did not. But she did get a call to serve in a position that would give her a big strong dose of humility. Each and every Sunday. BIG strong dose. Wonder what it is? Well, you will have to wait until Sunday to find out.
p.s. For those of you who wondered where the pictures were taken, we went downtown to where they have some alleys and cute shopfronts etc. Kindof would be scary if one was alone there at night. We had a good time.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Monday, April 9, 2007
Why don't you guys synchronize?
Friday, April 6, 2007
kisses are a better fate
than wisdom. e.e. cummings
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves. ~Albert Einstein

People who throw kisses are mighty hopelessly lazy. ~Bob Hope
Brightest truth, purest trust in the universe
In the kiss of one girl.
-Robert Browning
Kissing is like drinking salted water. You drink, and your thirst increases. ~Chinese Proverb
(our great friends Drew and Jessica Merryweather)

"Mine ain't a selfish affection, you know," said Mr. Toots, in the confidence engendered by his having been a witness of the Captain's tenderness. "It's the sort of thing with me, Captain Gills, that if I could be run over - or - or trampled upon - or - or thrown off a very high place -or anything of that sort - for Miss Dombey's sake, it would be the most delightful thing that could happen to me."

I married the first man I ever kissed. When I tell this to my children they just about throw up. ~Barbara Bush
(my sister Kami and her husband Leonardo)

Sweet springtime is my time is your time is our time for springtime is love time and viva sweet love.- - - -e e cummings