Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Catch-up stuff.

Here are some pictures from May. 

Ethne being cute.

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The cutest, sweetest little sleeping baby.



He likes to chew and chew.


Ethne again. 

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This was Brett a day or 2 after he got sick and dehydrated and passed out and konked his head on the tile floor of the bathroom.  Sahweet, isn’t it?



I got a plain gray shirt for Ethne from the second-hand store, and when she put it on someone said that she looked like me (what can I say, I like to wear gray), so then we put my glasses on her so she could really look like me..  Ha ha.

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Me and my favorite most adorable baby.


Hazel’s drawing of our family.  2 parents + five children = 7.  (Isn’t Baby Orrin cute in his little blue footed pajamas?)


I’m sorry but he’s just so adorable when he sleeps.  I just have to take pictures. 


1 comment:

Steve and Katrina said...

I agree on the sleeping baby thing. I always want to take pictures of Beckett sleeping because he's so dang cute. I can't get over how perfect he looks. Anyway, Orrin looks so perfect sleeping too. And I LOVE Ethne in your glasses. Hilarious.

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