Friday, February 12, 2010

Lindsay's wedding pictures

You know how sometimes you simply have to cause yourself pain because the trade-off is worth it? That's what looking at these pictures is for me. The suffering is intense, but I just can't stop looking at them anyway. My dear, wonderful sister Megan posted these from her camera because she knew that I wanted to see some as soon as humanly possible (what a WONDERFUL sister!!!).
Now, looking at pictures of Lindsay and Sterling just make me happy--see them just coming out of the temple into the falling snow? Awwww!
But then I see this picture of my dad and mom with all of their grandkids EXCEPT my kids--well, it makes me want to cry a little.

And then, all the sisters and my mom, and no... me. Sob.
Oh, well, I don't look good in red anyway.


Tracy said...

oh Kayli! This makes me want to cry too! I'm so sorry you missed your sister's big day.

She looks beautiful!

P.S You would have rocked it in red.

Lynn said...

Oh Kayli. My heart aches for you.

Your family looks SO good though! Thanks for sharing these pics. My daughter Candi has always wanted a black and white with Red wedding. I MUST show her these pics. They are just absolutely beautiful!!!!!

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