Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Kindof a yucky day today. It's really no fun having Brett stressed out to the max, and him being at school 24/7 except to come home to eat and leave again. He even got a fever blister. (When I was at Nauvoo, my brother Wyatt had multiple fever blisters all over his lips from stress (but he passed his big air traffic controller test, so all is well now-yay!!). Whenever we said anything funny and he smiled, he said, "Stop--you're making my lips hurt.")

Luckily, it won't be for too much longer, right?


Lindsay Ann Rasmussen said...

Good luck Brett!! Dont get too many more fever blisters, they are no fun!

Ginger said...

Loren told me that he saw Brett today....somewhere....and they both basically said the same thing to eachother, "What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be done yet?" I know, completely terrible. It makes me want to never to go to grad school.

Lynn said...

Hang in there! Just one day at a time.

10 years from now, you'll look back on this with only a faint memory. ; )

beSlightlyAskew said...

Maybe almost over...or then he may get a job that takes up all his time, can't mow the lawn, doesn't get home to even eat, sees the kids for a few minutes each day, can't take a weekend off, gets phone calls at all hours of the day/night, has no time to do anything he wants, let alone what you want...oh, I'm sorry, are we still talking about you?

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