Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Friday Night Excitement.

So on Friday night we had a bit of fun. The kids were downstairs playing in the basement and Jethro and Hazel came up escorting a bleeding, crying Talmage.  He had been riding his bike and crashed into Jethro who was riding a scooter and hit the wall or the floor with his cute little head.
So I hugged him and got a rag and cleaned him up a bit and took a picture.  Then I fed him some dinner because I thought he probably needed stitches so he should have some dinner in him before he had to be gone all evening, and I called Brett and told him to come home to look and see what he thought.
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So we decided he should go get stitches and I decided I wanted to take him, so off to the hospital we went.  As soon as the nurse took a glance at it she said, “Yep, it needs stitches.”  So we waited for the doctor and I told Talmage if he was brave I would let him have a ride on the carousel that’s outside our grocery store at the moment.
So he lies down, and I sit besides him on the bed and hold both of his hands, the doctor and nurse come in and wash his cut, he says in the saddest little voice, “That hurt!”  And then they give him the shot to make him numb, and he cries, but only a bit and he’s really good.  Then she takes a couple syringes full of probably saline and spray it into his cut to wash it really well, and then she says, “Now I’ll just check to make sure the bone is okay,” and starts pulling open the cut to look inside.  And I think, egh.  Just a bit, but then I feel a little warm  so I take off my sweater.  And both the doctor and nurse immediately say, “Are you okay?  Do you want to lie down?  Once we get started stitching we won’t have any hands to help you if you faint, so you should lie down!” 
And I think, no, no, I’m just fine.  This is okay—I wanted to watch.  That’s why I came instead of Brett.  But then I decide to pull over the chair and sit on it instead of stand.  And then I’m still not feeling entirely right, so I just lay my head down for a second, sure that I’ll feel just fine in a moment.  And then I really start to feel woozy and light-headed and although my head is still down, and I’m just sure that I’ll be fine, it still gets worse and things are going a bit dark and I figure I’d rather lie down than fall down.  So I lie down on the floor and poor little Talmage says, “Hold my hands Mommy!”  Ahhhh- worst mom ever!  Just kidding.
So anyway, then they had someone bring me some orange juice, which I drank, they finished stitching him, and by the time they were done I was fine again.  And Talmage got some stickers and we went home.  The end. 
p.s. I was going to post the above pictures sooner, but then I thought it wasn’t right to post them without some pictures of him looking not quite so ghastly.  So here he is.  It still looks worse than it really is, since there’s some blood along the top that is just dried where the bandage was, but anyway he’s a cute stitches-head.
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Fiona said...

He looks cute in the second set of photos (stitches and all), and I love that you wanted to take him but still 'sort of' fainted.

I took one of my kids to A+E once and I held it together really well, until the nurse asked me how long my daughter had been unconscious.

At this point I fell apart, but was still able to haul the kitchen timer out of my handbag and give it to the nurse.

In hindsight it wasn't my greatest parenting moment.....

MerryPair said...

I actually did faint earlier this year when Lucy got stitches in her chin. Didn't help that I DIDN'T eat dinner and that I was in my 1st trimester. They actually had to wheel in another bed for me next to Lucy. Good times.

Amanda said...

This hit way to close to home. We just had a similar experience with Miles. I didn't pass out though. I'm pretty tough:).

Sarah Harward said...

That look is just in time for Halloween! Perfect timing!!

Gigi said...

He'll be happy about the after effects when he's older. Just tell him "chicks dig scars" - ha ! ha! That's what Craig says anyway. Logan has a scar from stitches near his eye...

Lynn said...

Ugh. This sure brings back memories of all my boys having stitches in their head, chin, hands, knee. I suddenly remember how whoozy I felt too. They were WAY too young to get stitches. Poor poor Talmage. I want to just give him a BIG hug.

Way to go mommy and hanging in there {not fainting}. I am totally impressed!

Rachael said...

Oh my goodness! Poor kid. That's a pretty impressive cut.

So on the fainting thing, Neil has never actually passed out all the way, but it has been really close with 3 of our kids when they started the epidural. With Isaac he went paler than I've ever seen anyone.

Anonymous said...

Poor little guy. Yup.....needs stitches. Glad you made it through the sewing up and didn't pass out on the floor and need stitches!!!!!!! Good thing we have hard heads. Love you. Give Talmage a hug and kiss from me. Love Mom

Anonymous said...

Oh those first two photos made me feel so sad. Glad he is ok

Andrea said...

Ha. I didn't pass out when Cowen got stitches. Then again, it was Cowen and not Eli . . .. I did almost pass out when they took blood out of Miriam's heel when she was three days old. Why do they make new moms hold their babies through that kind of torture??? And Timothy almost passed out when they did the spinal for my first c-section---but in his defense, there was a student watching the anethetist (sp) and he did say, "That stuff spurting out is spinal fluid." Enough to make anyone queasy.

Kirsta and Morian said...

Poor little guy! Devin also got stitches in his forehead (going the other direction) about a year ago. Now he likes to say he has an owie like Harry Potter! (And I definitely got light-headed when they were taking the stitches out, but I blame that on having like a 4 week old baby and 1 week after having foot surgery...)

Ginger said...

Wow, that's the best weekend story I've ever heard!

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