Monday, October 31, 2011

Fire in the woods.

There are a whole lot of different kinds of mushrooms in the woods here. Here are four kinds that I found on a walk of about 2.5 minutes. (Okay, actually I think the second picture might be the same kind as the third picture, just older, but I don’t know.)




Is that a mushroom, or is it a little Child of the Forest?



(My kids and I both love that book – Children of the Forest, by Elsa Beskow, and my kids love that there are two boys and two girls and in the end she has a baby boy, so it’s just like our family! And look, when I see this picture:


It reminds me of these ones from a year ago:



End of tangent.


Anyway, so way back when, when the kids were still out of school, Jethro convinced me to go have a fire in the woods. Usually I wait for Brett to do fires, but Jethro and I got the fire going just fine, and everyone was good and careful, and it helps that Orrin is still immobile so he was content to just sit and eat leaves and dirt and rocks and bug. Love that. :)


Love love this picture of Hazel.



We ate lots of marshmallows. Because hot sticky gooey marshmallows are good.



Talmage soon tired of trying to roast, and he just manned the bag of marshmallows and ate them raw, and gave them out when we wanted another one.


Fires in the fall are the best.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that pic of Hazel too. She is so cute. cute kids and fun times and I think I need to go have a marshmallow roast down at my fire pit!!!! Love you. Mom R.

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