Sunday, November 7, 2010

Halloween party

I have to quickly tell about the fun Halloween Party my kids got to go to.  Halloween is not celebrated in Switzerland, so I knew I had to make/find a good party to go to.  I’ve heard the ward has done parties before, but they weren’t this year.  So I talked to my friend Renate whose husband is from the States and who lived there for a while, as she has done parties in the past, and even in her little village she’s “taught” them what trick-or-treating is so her kids could go (we didn’t end up trick-or-treating because it would have been two days early since we had to have the party on Friday).  Anyhow, when I talked with her she kindly offered her house for party use.  She also kindly offered her daughters’ help in planning.  Awesome.

Basically, her daughters and their friends did the whole thing, because Renate actually ended up having to work that night as well as her husband.  It ended up just being my little kids there—so I thought it was so nice of the girls to put together this party basically for them.

I brought a witch cake.  Scary-looking, isn’t she?


This was the secret laboratory where the kids had to roll a dice and drink one of the potions, named things such as “spider’s blood,” “frog guts,” and the like.


Then we had dinner, which was great.


We played some games, told scary stories, ate candy, and did some dancing.  Every good party should include dancing.

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I brought oranges and the kids made ‘jack-o-lanterns.’  (I was going to put the faces on them myself beforehand, but I ran out of time, which was actually wonderful since the kids had a great time doing their own faces!)   It was a good alternative since we didn’t carve pumpkins this year.


Then they had races rolling them across the floor with their noses. 

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There were some magic tricks, some hide-and-seek in the dark, and then we headed home.  Jethro and Hazel both said it was the best Halloween party they’d been to.  So, many thanks to Alyna, Lara, Jasmin, Noel, and Natasha!


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