My sister Kami said in a comment about Jethro that he's like a micro-engineer already. Yeah, well, look at this. Our ward is having an extreme pinewood derby, and we got the car the other day, so Brett was saying to Jethro, "We have to start making our plans!" After Jethro was in bed, Brett took out a notebook and started making some sketches.

The next morning, Jethro found the notebook, saw the sketches, and started making *several* of his own.
But the best part of all? When I was scanning these (I picked a very few of all that he had colored), I asked him what their names were. I don't remember which name goes to which, but here they are:
The Coolest Racecar in the Whole Earth
The Horsepower of Light and Space
The Horsepower of Stain and Braveness (I asked him several times if he meant "Stain" or something else--but that's all I got)

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