I have nothing much to say, I'm just waiting for Brett to come in so we can go to bed, so here's a few pictures. Jethro's racecar cake I made him-- Brett made him a car too, at the shop at school but it's not painted yet so I'll take a picture later.
Jethro watched the movie 'The Sign of the Beaver' today--it's about a boy who stays at the family's claim while his dad goes to collect the mom and sister and baby, and then they get sick etc. and stay away much longer than they had planned on, so the boy is alone except he gets saved by the Indians. Anyway, Jethro was so upset that he was about crying when he thought the family wasn't going to come back. And even at the happy ending (they get reunited of course) he was still soooo sad that the baby had died. Poor guy.

I thought these were funny pictures.
Kayli- first of all, can't believe Jethro was so tiny when he was born. Sheesh! And second, I LOVE the bubble blower pictures! In fact, if you look at my blog soon and I have some pictures kinda like it, um, I just basically copied you, obviously. I'm not to good with making up ideas by myself all the time - so I just cheat! AND, I really loved the picture of Ethne in the swing, chewing on it. Your good.
Kayli- first of all, can't believe Jethro was so tiny when he was born. Sheesh! And second, I LOVE the bubble blower pictures! In fact, if you look at my blog soon and I have some pictures kinda like it, um, I just basically copied you, obviously. I'm not to good with making up ideas by myself all the time - so I just cheat! AND, I really loved the picture of Ethne in the swing, chewing on it. Your good.
I SO did not mean to do that twice, I am SO sorry!
I like the buble pictures too.
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