Okay ladies and gents, we have a super duper treat today. My sister Lindsay agreed to be a guest blogger. Cause that will be so fun and exciting (and because that will make my blog seem ever so cool). Without further ado, here's Lindsay:

Other than living at my sister's house, life this summer has been great. Recently I have been boating, hiking, and generally having a good time as much as possible inbetween the three jobs I'm working. One of the jobs I work is waitressing at Sherwood Hills(a resort in Logan Canyon). It is probably the most enjoyable job because I get free food as much as I want--and the cook loves me, and makes stuff just for me. Last time I worked he made churros that were absolutely divine. The joke there though, is that my name tag is always upside down. Granted, it usually is--but I swear it starts out right-side up! So the other day one of the maintenance boys was walking by and he pointed at my shirt, so I Iooked down and my name tag was right side up, so I told him that it was actually right this time! To which he replied that my shirt was buttoned up wrong. Haahaa. It was pretty funny. Really, all I do is work, and so there isn't a whole lot of exciting news.
Now it's me (Kayli) again--she forgot to mention that I made her go out with Brett's brother. Me and Brett have this fantasy that they'll get married. What could be cooler than one of our favorite girls marrying one of our favorite guys and we'll all be doubly related? Yeah. It was exciting. Lindsay, I hope you don't mind that I posted that, you know I've been bursting to. And, since you threw the sawhorse, we're even.
Oh how fun, your sister must live fairly close to me. I don't know how I never realized that before. Silly me!
Dude. I didn't throw the sawhorse! I thought Kami posted that!
lindsay- what a girl! love it! oh- and love your pictures- the train track ones are so cool. I need to find some tracks around here!!(see you soon! :))
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