Monday, July 16, 2012

End of school stuff.

The kids’ last day of school was the 6th.  They brought home all their creations and I was so proud of their awesomeness.  For instance, Hazel KNIT this chicken.  I can’t even knit!  But she learned how, along with crocheting.  Jethro too.

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Hazel made these at the Paul Klee museum when her class went on a field trip there.  She carved her own stamps in styrofoam and then painted them.  Pretty cool.


Ethne made a ton of cool things, such as a dog and a pin wheel.


Jethro with some of his art.  He made a lot of those string art thingees, like on the right.


And with his crocheted seal and knit butterflies.


Random picture of Hazel reading Calvin and Hobbes (not end-of-school-related, I just liked it).


Just one of Jethro’s MANY pages of doodles, all variations of this theme:


I’m loving this cactus cross-stich on burlap.  Can you believe how many awesome things they teach kids in school here?


And another one of the string things, this time on a wooden board with nails in it.  Also, four-armed Jethro.  :)


Ethne brought home a cd of pictures from her kindergarten class over the year- it was so fun to look through!  Here are some.

There were lots of pictures of gnome houses they built in the woods (they go to the woods every week).


On their special spaghetti day when they made spaghetti and got to stay for lunch to eat it.

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On their field trip to the zoo.

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This was the lantern parade they had that we forgot about or something, anyway I’m so sad we missed it because isn’t this the cutest thing you’ve seen in your life?!!  But at least we did get to use her lantern at the Wald Weinacht.


Another picture at the zoo.


Cute stuff.

And Jethro’s class sent home a cd of pictures from their Landschulewoche, when they were at Kandersteg for a week.  Here are some of those:

view2 food hike hike2 hike3

The house they stayed at:

house lunch view

Looks like a pretty nice time.

The last week of school we had a couple of shindigs to go to – the first one was Jethro’s class presentation.  It was a bit like a play, but it was just reading parts and then singing lots of songs.  It was pretty impressive.  Here is a little video:

And we had the yearly Schule-Schluss Fest, where the kids and I went and they got their faces painted and played games and had a hot dog and all that.

And that, I think, is the finally the end.


emily ballard said...

And now I want my kids to go to school in Switzerland. . .

Anonymous said...

That was awesome!!!! Loved the kids' great keepsakes that they made at school. They did learn a lot of skills and that is great. Liked Jethro and class singing.

Kristi said...

I completely adore that they learn to knit and crochet (of course!) and Hazel is such a beauty. but I know you already know that!

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