Saturday, February 19, 2011

Some funnies.

1. Tonight I was making some jello and Ethne was standing on the stool beside me, talking to to herself and doing her own thing, and then I poured some ice cubes into the pan and it was quite loud and Ethne said, “That was too loud!” and I said, “Sorry man.”  And she said, “Don’t call me man.  Call me sir.”  HA HAH AHAAA!

2.  Tonight I asked Hazel what she would like about being a boy if she was one.  And she said, “I like being a girl because they’re the ones who get the flowers.”  I like that about being a girl too.

3.  So, I read a blog by someone who is quite funny, and the other night I read her post about getting her screaming daughter into and out of her car seat all afternoon.  It was kindof the typical toddler thing, unhappy about leaving the park or the school or whatever, and you have to wrangle them in, but what was so funny about it was the completely AWESOME picture she got that just captures the unhappy toddler we all know so well.  Go see it here.

These next few things I’ve found floating around cyberspace and thought they were worthy of passing on.





6. (You’ll have to click on this one and enlarge it.)  I particularly love #27.  and #3.  Okay, I can’t get it to come up big—you’ll have to click HERE to read it.



Kirsta and Morian said...

I am totally #31! Love it! thanks for the laugh!

Andrea said...

I don't understand why you don't have a pic of Orrin on the sidebar. Is it because he doesn't laugh yet? Or because you are lazy? Or because you don't really like him that much? It bothers me.

In other news--I made it through the night without having to pump. This is a positive sign. Very positive.

In other news--I have not yet cracked and bled, so baby is drinking pure milk and not blood soup. That is another very good sign.

Overall--one week into having five children and I'm pretty sure I'll survive. At least until Tuesday, when Timothy goes back to work.

I hate missing church. The doc was all crazy about RSV and a huge spike in bronchial illnesses this past month, so I kept Minnie home. Her size inspires a little trepidation in me to take her out of the house. But RS is my entire social life. I'm so out of the loop having missed two weeks.

Such is life. I hear the little squeaker now. Must go nurse her with minimal screaming in agony. The screaming confuses her and prolongs the process. Bye now.

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