One year ago today I started this ol' blog. And this is my 201st post (I think). So I should probably have something really amazing to say, but I don't. Just a rundown of my last few days.
Friday night Brett and I went on a date and played raquetball. It was SOO much fun, but I am a total pansy. My arm was so tired in no time. I never actually beat Brett, but one game I gave him a fairly good run. (Of course, he was playing left-handed, but that's a trifling detail.)
Saturday I took the kids to Lowe's and they got to hammer together some wood and made a truck. They really enjoyed it (especially Jethro) and they were so cute in their aprons and goggles with their little hammers.

Yesterday I went over to a friend's house and let the kids play, and then came home to pick up Jethro from school. When we had picked him up and were home, getting out of the car, this lady came up to me and begged for a ride to the Food Stamp Office because if she didn't get there with this thing they needed before 4:00 they were going to tear up her application (which I don't buy, but if it were me, I wouldn't have wanted to go back on the bus the next day or whatever---it's freezing cold.), so I took her there. We had an interesting conversation about how you can be any age and go to Purdue (she didn't know that) and how she thought if you wanted to go to school and better yourself you shouldn't have to pay anything, the government should pay it for you. Hmm, wouldn't that be nice.
Anyway, I got home and started making dinner because the missionaries were coming over, and I was a little behind after taking the lady (and of course, Ethne had slept on the way there and back, so her nap was way too short, so she was crying and screaming if I wasn't holding her). I thought about calling Brett to see if he could come home early to help, but then I decided not to. The missionaries called and said they'd be a little late, so I managed to get all the food ready in time and most stuff cleaned up (Jethro vacuumed the living room--YAY for useful children!!), and then the missionaries showed up, but Brett wasn't home yet, so they had to wait in the car. I called him and he was still at work!! He NEVER stays that late, he always gets hungry and comes home, but of course, picked today to stay late. Anyway, we eventually did eat and it was good.
This morning I took the kids to Chic-Fil-A for breakfast because they're giving a free breakfast entree to everyone every Wednesday morning until the middle of June. This was awesome of course, and the kids played for a long time on the play place.
The other exciting thing for today was that Hazel started a little ballet class!!!!! She was pretty excited and I was very excited for her, and it was really fun. When I told her in the morning what exciting thing she got to do, Jethro said, "I wish I could be in a dance class. But not a gentleman dance class, a COOL dance class." I assured him that he could TEACH classes on how to dance cool (the kid is amazing).
Anyway, that's how my life has been going.
Whew! What a day you had! Murphy's law for sure. Why is it that when the missionaries have booked a day to come over, that things just seem to always fall apart? Hmmmm......I wonder who doesn't want the missionaries in our homes, eh? Just like when the day falls apart as we plan on a temple trip. Oh well. Sounds like things turned out all right. I had to laugh when I read that the missionaries were waiting and sitting in the car. Good little boys they are. I alwasy have to remind the elders here that they can't come and "hang out" when my husband isn't home. I have three sons, but one is only 16 and he isn't usully home either. I hope my boys follow those rules when they go out there in the field someday.
I took a raquet ball class with my sister when I was a teen- haven't played since! Sadie just started a Jazz class yesterday! so fun.
i love the camping in the living room idea! so fun. we'll have to try that in a couple months when Juliet's a little more settled. when I was a kid we'd go camping all the time in the yard with my dad, and I LOVED it!
Happy birthday, Kayli's blog! Isn't it interesting talking to people with different views of government assistance?? I'm so jelous that Jethro can vacuum... someday I'll put Easton to work getting the crackers OUT of the carpet instead of IN.
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