Thursday, August 6, 2009


When we were in Utah, most all of the family (except Derek and Brooke who had already gone home) went to a rodeo and the kids got to participate. Jethro was signed up to ride a calf. I asked him if he wanted to ride a calf or a sheep (okay, I *strongly* urged him (kindof like last night when Brett and I strongly urged him to let us pull his other top tooth --we were both sitting on him and prying his mouth open)). Anyhow, he chose the calf, but was pretty nervous/excited. I wasn't nervous. I watched the kids ride the bulls, then the steers, but I knew that the calves would be smaller and daintier. The calves were next, so Brett and Jethro went to the other side of arena to wait his turn. And then the first kid came out on a calf. Suddenly my heart was pounding and I was having trouble breathing. That calf was as much a bucker as the bulls!! I gulped, and wondered if Jethro would go through with it.
Well, he did!! And he did AWESOME!!! (My camera didn't really do awesome, but trust me.) It was thrilling. TRULY thrilling. I was so impressed with him.
Nonchalant with Grandpa after the ride. :)
Hazel was signed up for a sheep, but wasn't too eager. I wondered if she would do it. Well, she did! I was too slow to get a picture of her, but she held on pretty good too! Here she is after she fell off. I asked her if it was fun and she said yes. I asked her if she cried (before the ride), and she said "Yes, but then I changed my mind." And I asked her if it hurt when she fell off, and she said, "No, but I'm glad they gave me that cowgirl thingee (meaning the protective vest) so I didn't get dirty." :)

1 comment:

Kristi said...

That is so fun! I went to a rodeo at Ricks and loved it!

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