Thursday, June 24, 2021

Zion National Park, Day 1 Dec. 2020

 The day after Christmas we drove to Zion, where we have never gone before, to camp for a few days. The first hike we did (don't remember the name, if I ever did know it) was pretty great.

It came to this really huge cavern-type place.

Then we drove to our free camp-spot.  We were looking for a good spot, and Brett looked at this spot and said, "How about here?" and I was like, "well, let's just see what's up a little further where the sun won't go down so early."  So he drove up farther and the road immediately got TERRIBLE and after several minutes, he's like, "yeah, we have to go back. This isn't going to work." but there was absolutely nowhere to turn at that point, so Brett had to BACK UP the whole way back to this area.  Good thing he is a backing-up NINJA.

Amazing views!

We had bought dutch ovens (thanks to Megan for converting us finally), so while dinner was cooking, the highlight was getting big bundles of dry grass and throwing them on the fire so that it flared up in a huge fury.

Never gets old. :)

What's better than eating a delicious dinner around a blazing campfire?  Very little, in my opinion.

I got the little packet of stuff that makes the fire turn blue and different colors and it was seriously so amazing to me.  Brett was grumpy because he thinks it's bad for the environment, but then he made Magic Drops for us with the milk container, so, you know.

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