Thursday, January 28, 2021

Wind Caves Nov 2019

 So we went for a hike up to the Wind Caves on a chilly day in November of 2019, which was a mere TEN YEARS since we did it in October of 2009.  It's crazy.  Since Chad and Brynne had been there in 2009 we recreated some pictures.  :) :)

Also, Ethan's family and my mom came this time.

First recreation.  Love.

Second recreation.  Also love.  Crazy what 10 years does for little kids.

Another recreation, although with different kids (so not really a recreation, just a group of kids in the same spot).  Too bad Jethro and Garrett weren't there or we really could have.

More similar pictures.  :)  Fun fact, before Brett and I even started dating, we hiked up to the wind caves on a night hike in the same group.  I was with a different guy, and we didn't even realize that we had both been there until later.  Wild, man.

Some of the little boys and I ran down the trail and got back first, so I remembered there was a rope swing and took them over to find it, but alas, it wasn't there anymore.

But it had been, 10 years ago, as proven by this picture of Hazel swinging on it.

Instead, I bribed Orrin and Wyatt to strip down to their undies and jump in the FREEZING water.  Always a good time. :)

Then we went to Mom and Dad's house and had a hot dog roast.

Another comparison of Hazel and Brynne at 16

vs 6 years old.

And a couple more from times long gone.  Weird how the only way life's experiences are manifested physically on you is getting grayer and wrinkling. 

Here's the link to the post from 10 years ago:

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