Thursday, January 28, 2021

Very Snowy end of November 2019

The theme of this week or so was SNOW.  We got a huge enormous dump of snow that was so fun.

We kept throwing kids in and they would just sink down and actually it would be hard to get out again.

Nothing brings neighbors together like snow removal and getting vehicles unstuck.

My favorite snow thing-- snow lanterns!

This was when Megan and Jared came to drop off a snowmobile for Brett to fix (I believe) and Jared got out to do something, and the whole truck started sliding because it was so slick, and Kiersten (foolishly) jumped out.  It was funny when she and Anders retold the story, because they said that Kiersten was like, "Farewell!  Save yourselves!" and dove out.  haha  Luckily she didn't get run over, and the truck eventually hit a snowbank and stopped.

So white!!  (And so different this year, because we've only had a small amount of snow, so the golden wheat still sticks up through, and it's more of a white and gold winter.)

I took some family pics for Ethan and Kourtney.  I don't think she ended up liking them because she had had a different vision for them in her head.  But they were cute.

Love the winter blue twilight color so much.

Kourtney had an idea to make a Nativity picture as a gift for Mom, so we went to the live Nativity and quickly took a picture, but it turned out horrible because the light in there was red, or orange and so everything looked really weird.  This was the best of the bunch.  At least we can agree that Journey is the most adorable lamb ever.

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