Wednesday, May 12, 2021

First part of October 2020

 Jethro got got mission pictures by a lady who was offering free pictures, so how could we refuse? He is such a handsome dude!

I like this black and white one.  :)

And this one is also a fave. 

We FINALLY went outside last night. I feel like it's been forever since we went on a hike, and Hazel and Ethne weren't even home to go with us 😢, but we finally had an afternoon without any soccer games so we went and hiked Crimson Trail and it was really beautiful. The sun went down when we were about halfway through the loop, so the coming-back half became a night hike and it was legit dark. We all really liked it and said we should do more night-hikes, but Brett hid in the bushes and jumped out and yelled and Navy and I screamed. 😱 Haha.
When you're hiking, do you ever wonder- if your family had to cross the mountains from Austria to Switzerland like the Von Trapp family to flee to safety- if they could make it? I always do. I think we would make it, because Brett's very tough.  And I told Jethro, "but the von Trapp family could sing, so they had that" and he's like "I'm not sure how that would help them in regards to climbing mountains..." 😂

Finally got plants hung up. It was a traumatic experience trying to decide where they should go (we decided against having one on the right side) but Brett persevered despite my emotional challenges of decision-making.

Orrin is intense! hhahaa


When Jethro's nametag came! (I think these pictures are out of order.)

This was Jethro's "farewell" at church.

Then we went to the elementary school afterwards for a dinner, and Megan did a FHE, and a little Halloween party for the kids.  (It was an issue getting a place to have this at, because church buildings and things were closed for COVID.  Luckily the elementary school principal is the NICEST and let me no problem, but then later after talking to some administration was like...uh, maybe I wasn't necessarily allowed to let you have it here, so maybe don't tell anyone...).  So many Bell family members came all the way from Vernal just for the day, so that was so awesome and supportive of them!!

Beautiful beautiful!

Beautiful skies!  I'm pretty sure this was the night Jethro was set apart.

More cool skies.

Jethro's Home-MTC room.

Plaque for Brett's patent.

I took some pictures of Lando for his baptism announcement.

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