Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Salmon at Porcupine, Sept 2020

 I heard there were salmon running at Porcupine, so Brenda and I let our kids ditch school (or maybe my kids didn't have school for some reason?) and we went to check it out.  I sent Brenda the quote by Mark Twain to help convince her to sluff :)

(This is from a different day--Hazel, Ethne, and Talmage were not with us.)

We all spent a lot of time trying to catch a fish, and none of us did except for Wyatt, but then he dropped it 1 second later.  Good thing Brenda was quick and got the picture!

This is from when we were scaling a cliff.  It was good times.  Brenda wondered (again) why she is friends with me.  haha

It was so so so so soooo crazy!!  I had no idea that the reservoir gets this drained out!  I felt astonished--like Moses with the parting of the red sea.  Where before had been completely covered in water was now land!  It blew my mind.

You see the tree that I'm standing by--very far away? That's where we JUMPED into the water from, just a couple months ago!  CRAZY.

Biggest mass of salmon!

Brenda climbing the cliff and cursing me! haha

Looking down, standing where we jumped from.

Many pictures of Navy because she was extra adorable right then.

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