Friday, December 12, 2008

Very long post

(Ignore the weird numbers throughout. I do know how to count, but the numbering thing was having issues.)

  1. I LOVE getting Christmas cards and letters. But the best part is, of course, the pictures.

  1. I got Kami’s letter the other day, and she always puts several pictures from the year on the back of her letter, and I noticed that of the 6 pictures she had, I took 5 of them. Sweet.

  1. I hate when I get upstaged. Jethro’s been asking for a Science Kit for Christmas. Actually, he’s been wanting one for a long time and saving his money. I got him two great ones (from a garage sale) and already had them wrapped. Well, the other day he came home from College Mentors and told us that all the big buddies had got their little buddies presents for Christmas. And he was soooo excited because his buddy had got him what he asked for—a science kit. I was like, “Great.” Why couldn't she have just got him a Batman or something? But it’s okay, because the ones I got him were different. Brett and Jethro have made a motor and a telegraph machine already. Weirdos.

  1. Hazel was sick the other day so she took a nap in the afternoon, so all three kids were sleeping and I was the only one in the house awake. It was amazing. And then Jethro came home from school and he thought it was weird too.

  1. I’m making some fun surprises for Hazel and Ethne for Christmas. But I was working on it while she was napping and Jethro saw it, and he has a harder time keeping secrets. Not on purpose, but things tend to slip out. When he was getting into the tub he said something about it and I was like, “Jethro!” and he said, “Did you hear what I said Hazel?” silly.

  1. Ethne finally has started calling Talmage by his name instead of just Baby. She says it ‘Pamage.’ And icecream is ‘ipeem’ and crazy is ‘tayzee’ and my nose is running is ‘mo wunnee.’

I got new glasses. The left--old glasses. The right--new glasses. They seem really different to me, but looking at the picture I realize that they're quite similar. Except the color--they're a lighter color, a caramel color.
  1. It’s cute when Hazel and Ethne play together. And when I tell Hazel to keep a hold of Ethne when we’re in a parking lot and I’m getting Tell’s carseat out, and she grabs her by the collar and yanks her along until I can save her by holding her hand.

  1. Brett went to school yesterday at 3:00 in the morning. He said it was mostly because he couldn’t sleep so he just decided to go in and get some work done. I was thinking—Yeah, that’s what my dad does sometimes, but he’s 55! I, on the other hand, was exceedingly glad to be able to go back to bed after I fed Talmage at 3:00. In fact, I was so pleased to that I wrote a little song:

I love my little bed.

I love my little bed.

It’s cold out in the world,

But not here in my bed.

Short, but heartfelt.

  1. My sister Andrea had her baby and named him Eli Wilford, after she had planned on naming him Brigham John the whole pregnancy.

  1. Jethro asked me if I thought there was ever a minute or second when no one in the whole world was talking. I said that there are a lot of people in the world so probably not. He said, “That’s what I predicted too.” (This was while all the kids were sleeping. It’s a rare thing when no one’s talking even in our own house.)

  1. I love clementine oranges. I like that they’re easy to peel. Once, on a rare winter trip to Canada, we had a box of Jap oranges in the back of the van, and Wyatt and I crawled back there and ate about 20 each. Maybe not that many, but probably 7 or 8 each. They are so good!

  1. Talmage is SUCH a good baby!! Seriously he is never cranky or fussy or needy or anything other than charming and sweet and adorable and kissable. I love him SOOOOOO much!!!!!!
  2. Kami and I decided that people should only have to eat once a week or so. Then planning and cooking dinner would be fun and not such a drudgery. Not that I really think it’s drudgery, just that there are days when you think –I have to think of something to fix AGAIN?! I just thought of something last night!
  3. My awesome brother-in-law Blake shot a coyote that bit a 9-year-old kid, so basically he saved the world. What a hero. If you want to hear more about the story, go here.
  4. I forgot to write about a funny thing that happened over Thanksgiving. We were driving to church and Jethro went in Kami and Leo’s van, and they were following us and when we got to the church parking lot Brett drove to the back and did a big huge doughnut in the slushy/snowyness. Then we parked and got out, and Leo parked next to us and Jethro opened the door, jumped out, and in the saddest, most dejected voice imaginable he said, “I should have went with you.” :)


jessica said...

I really like your hair in the left picture (in the right too) but a lot in the left. How did you do it? Mine is a similar length and style...i should try the left one cause mine often looks like the right...and its nice...but could use a change. ya know??
anyway....that was long.

Lynn said...

LOVED this post! Laughed, cried (cause I was laughing so hard), screamed (with delight)......just basically a GREAT post! So fun.

LOVE your new glasses! The shade is softer. And I LIKE your hair in both pics. Especially the one wear it's straighter. But that's just me. I straighten my hair everyday with a straightener and so I just adore straight hair when I see it. : D

nicole said...

That picture of Talmage in the bunny suit is absolutely fanclassic (yes, I just made up a word). I stared at it for quite a while.
Also Jethro and missing the slushy doughnut is pretty funny. I can totally hear him saying it, though he probably talks better now than the old sunbeam I'm remembering (not that he spoke badly then, he was very good in fact =).

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