Friday, February 19, 2021

Mid-May 2020, Lots of Cousins

More of the gorgeousness of green, verdant springtime.

I don't remember why this happened, but we all decided to go in my bathtub together.

So, I hope this video works, because it was really funny-- we were trying to convince Talmage to come in too, but he wouldn't, but he kept coming in (I feel like he kind of wanted to), but then someone said something about we should get some ambiance music, or wave sounds, so Talmage went out and got the laptap and brought it in and found some beachy sounds and then whale call sounds and turned down the light. It was hilarious.

Jethro spent a lot of time on his guitar when he was home.  He worked at Firehouse Subs first, then he got a job at Grease Monkey doing oil changes and things on cars, and later he got a job at Walmart as a stocker (it paid the most).

Went for a walk.

This was a hike Brett and I went on.  It was the Crimson Trail in Logan Canyon.  I had gotten this idea for a date that I knew Brett would LOOOOVE.  So we went hiking, and Brett was like, yeah, this is nice, because we like hiking, but also it wasn't very special, so he was a little confused.

Look at me jump!

But THEN I unveiled the actual cool part of the date.  The food.  Bratwursts, baguette, Gruyere cheese, and Toblerones (plus we had cranberry lemonade which is the best, and some Noosa yogurt and some more chocolate).  Brett WAS duly impressed and loved it all as much as I thought he would :) :) :)  
He also cut the cheese with his Swiss Army knife that has his name engraved on the blade.

But after we ate (we had gone off the main trail just a tad to sit down and eat) I got up and was meandering further, and then I thought I heard Brett say, "what's that sound?" so I stopped and looked up and saw a rattlesnake in front of us, rattling.  And it FREAKED ME OUT!  I hate snakes so so so much.  So I jumped back and Brett kind of blocked me, and I was felt like - let go!  I must panic and run!! Anyway.  Then when we talked about it later, Brett told me that he had not said anything to me, not "what's that sound?" or anything else, and he only knew there was something going on when I stopped.  Strange.  Maybe the Spirit used Brett's voice to my mind.

Then we played by this creek for a while because it was really cool that it just bubbled up out of the ground! We saw the source and it was amazing that that much water, with that much force, was just coming up out of nowhere.

Jethro got his wisdom teeth taken out.

The same photographer that had taken our front porch pictures wanted models to take pics in front of the lilacs blooming, so I volunteered Hazel and she got some pictures.  These are my pictures of the process, the real pictures are later.

A way way cool watercolor painting that Hazel did, copying someone work.

Her brothers tied Navy up to the veranda with a sheet. hahaha

Such a pretty one! (All watercolor paintings by Hazel.)

And this is my very very favorite. I saw it on pinterest and told her to do it and she did it sooooo well!  It's soooo cool!

Wayne's Loop with Sara Burris, who has lived here like 15 years or something and NEVER been to Wayne's Loop!! My mind was blown.

Megan harassing Wyatt.  These pictures just warm my heart like nothing else.  Everyone fears Megan--she is the oldest and therefore the most intimidating and has the most power and automatically demands respect, and secondly, she fights dirty, with wet willies and tickling and snapping your bra or undoing your bra, or other nefarious deeds.

With Wyatt and Lindsay Ann visiting we all got together for a day (I think in honor of Mother's Day? Not that we wouldn't have gotten together anyway...) so I took lots of cousin pictures.

Jack and Obi playing crokinole.

Then wrestling.

So we sent them outside where they continued wrestling.

Everyone playing.

Hazel's awesome trick, that I'm jealous she can do and I can't.

Then Grandpa started making up obstacle course race, and they timed everyone one by one to see who could do it the fastest.  It was intense.  The competitive natures in our family run strong... I think Hazel was either first or second place.  It involved crawling through the trampoline legs, jumping through a swing, climbing up the playhouse and going through the tunnel, and making a basket with the basketball (among other things).

And more kinds of races.

Wyatt just watching, chilling with Tonto.

More arm wrestling.

More pictures of little girls.

We took some pictures of all the grandkids that were there, although we were missing Lindsay's family, Kami's family (WHY??? this makes me so sad... can't remember why they couldn't come), and Derek's family (borders to Canada closed, :( so sad this whole year) as well as some older kids and whatnot.  Still a good showing.  We tried to get them tallest to smallest, although we're missing the littlest girls.

After Hazel got her pictures back from the photographer, I didn't love them so much, so I tried taking more another night, but then I didn't love those either (the color was never right arrrrgh).

Except this one I did love.

Below are the photographers.  I didn't like her processing very much.

1 comment:

kami said...

I'm always ridiculously jealous when siblings get together and I'm not there. I can't remember why we didn't come, so sad. And Hazel is such a talented artist. And that's crazy about the snake, I didn't remember you telling me that.

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