Thursday, February 4, 2021

End of March 2020

 Pretty picture of a horse that is so gorgeous.  Not my horse, just from pinterest or somewhere and I liked it.  :)

Planting some ranunculus that grew okay in my pots but then when I put them outside they died. :(  I should have just started them outside to begin with.

Walk along the Bonneville Shoreline Trail with the Austins.  Virtual School = way more time for hiking. Yay!

Virtual school = more time = felt like a good time to start Orrin and Wyatt in piano.  They went to Sister Kirk and were doing great!  Then after several months, Sister Kirk got sick and so we had to go to a different teacher.

Dad sent this picture to me, and I really should just buy it for Brett because it is SO. PERFECT. 

 The insane pheasant that always came around our house every morning and tapped on the window forever.  And sometimes it would fight the reflection of itself in the hubcaps.

More seed starting.

I believe it was some freezing cold rain and wind that the boys wanted to go run around in bare-chested.  Idk why.


Navy's picture of a bunny!!  So adorable!

Finishing up the room was even more hurried along since Jethro was home and just sleeping on the couch.


CUTE Daddy and Navy!!


Our ducklings arrived! Ethne and I had so many photoshoot ideas but we didn't get a chance to do them and then they were too big so quickly.  Darn.


I built this by myself! It is a trellis for the pea plants.  I was pretty proud but actually it wasn't incredibly sturdy...


Brett bought a mill but it was so heavy we had to call in reinforcements to help get it into the garage.  Luckily we have Andy for a neighbor!


COVID = at-home church and sacrament meeting.


Logan River Walk with Amy's family. 


Adorable Navy with ducklings.  If there is anything cuter I don't know what it is.

I thought Navy looked funny outside playing in her outfit of the day in the wind, barefoot (obviously).


Walk around Mantua lake with Brynne and Chad and some bikes and a rope swing.


1 comment:

kami said...

The pictures of Navy with the duck and her pink boots and crocheted hat are to die for cute!!!

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