Guess what--we're expecting!! Okay, actually the bird that made the nest on our wreath on our front door is expecting--see? Brett says, "Robin eggs are cool. Blue is a cool color for an egg. (You can quote me.)" :) The kids are pretty excited. When I told Jethro that there were eggs in the nest he shook his finger at me and said, "But DON'T TOUCH the eggs, Mom!" Perhaps it was because of the stories I told him about how we always collected eggs and/or baby birds at my grandpa's farm and then they would die.

And here's momma bird. We see her sitting on the nest sometimes when we drive up and then she flies out and tweets at us from the tree. Hopefully she doesn't peck our eyes out when the babies hatch, like some bluejays did once to Kami. She still bears the (emotional) scars. ;)

Here's Jethro showing how his chia pet grew that he made at the Bug Bowl.

And Hazel's.

Here's Brett burning our tall grass stuff.

Here's another picture of a bird just because I happened to take it. Did you know the cardinal is the state bird of Indiana? It's true. (I just googled it.) It's also the state bird of Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia. So we're not exactly unique.

After Brett got a little yard work done I convinced him to come play. So here's Ethne in the car on our way to...

this waterfall! It's supposedly the highest freefalling waterfall in Indiana. This is from the overlook.

Here we are hiking down the trail.

Then we had to slide down this steep Cliff of Insanity. There were also a lot of big boulders we had to climb over. There was a family there who were leaving as we were coming and the dad helped us get the kids up a particular rock. Brett said they probably thought we were crazy taking all our kids, and it reminded me of the time when Tim and Andrea and Brett and I were at Red Rock Canyon in Waterton National Park, and we were climbing up through with Jethro, Miriam, and Hazel, who were 2, 1, and brand new, and a lady stopped and said, "You guys are amazing to be coming with your children," and Andrea said, "Or stupid. Never rule out that possibility."

But it was worth it.

It was really pretty awesome. It was really big.

I love Brett's face in this picture. It's his
tough look. In all seriousness I love it. That's all.

This picture is the best to show just how big the fall was. Look how teeny Jethro looks!!

Talmage was happy to be with us. :)

You got pretty wet standing here.

Aren't we cute?

Checking out the GPS to find where the geocache is.

We didn't find any caches that day (!!) but we had fun at the park anyway.

Ride that skunk!
Ah, Redrock. Good times. Meet you there June of 2010? It's a date.
That looks so fun!! We want to go. Why didn't you invite us??? Rudie!!!
That place looks so fun! I have to find out where that's at. We need to go there. So, why have we never seen those Chia pets at the bug bowl? Bummer!
I miss seeing Cardinals in my yard.
We went to that waterfall when we were waiting for Emily to be born. Maybe we were crazy to drive out there considering that I was already past my due date. Oh well. I'm glad we had the opportunity to see it before we moved away.
Somehow I missed this post. I really miss seeing waterfalls, so maybe we'll just have to go there! I love nature adventures! I'm assumming its near Williamsport?
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