Yesterday was another fun day. Here is Talmage ready for church in a cute new vest I got at a garage sale.

We had stake conference so we were out of church much earlier than we normally are. Here is a picture of Jethro reading a book. It just astounds me how big he looks--isn't he supposed to still be 4 years old?

Brett made pumpkin cookies. Mmmmm, mmmmm!!! How I love them.

I love this face. :)

We put a casserole in the oven and set out to find some geocaches. For real this time. There's Jethro and Brett searching.

But I found it this time! Woohoo.

Talmage enjoying nature.

What a cutie.

I handed the camera to Brett.

On the way we were listening to some Sesame Street songs (very rare--we almost never listen to "kid" music), and we heard the "these are the people in my neighborhood" song. It mentioned a mailman and a fireman, and when it got to the part of the chorus where they say "they're the people that you meet each day," Hazel said, "I don't meet a fireman each day." Good catch, Hazel, good catch.

It was a beautiful place and a beautiful day. I love the green of Indiana springs.

When we got our new GPS we gave our old one to Jethro, which is fun for him, and funny for us to watch him walk in zigzags because he changes directions every time the little arrow on the GPS moves. :)

The cache was by this cool amphitheater. We've lived here almost 6 years now and I never knew this place existed. One of the reasons geocaching is so cool.

And our next cache.

With swings nearby to play on.

Then we went home and had dinner. Good times. And a few more pictures of Talmage to end on.

And, as a P.S. why can't I ever get my life organized?? Why does my house always have to be disorganized and cluttered? Why can't I just plan what to have for dinner for the week EVERY week, not one week once a year? Why can't kids put things away once in a while? Why can't
I put things away once in a while? Why can't I use my time more wisely? Or learn to prioritize? How can I be a good mom AND a good housekeeper? How do I teach my kids how to work? And what is most distressing about these questions that often and often beset me--I have four kids! I've been married 8 years
(tomorrow)! If I haven't got a grip yet, will I ever?
Cute cute pictures! I love your hiking ones - what the heck is geocaching? Or whatever you said. I am totally envious of how skinny you are - your kids are so big! I can't believe you have been married 8 years and have 4 kids either - you are still my LITTLE sister!!! Can't wait to see you this summer!! How is the job hunting going?? Have a good day.
I'd love to know what geocaching is too. Please explain.
here's my two cents on your postscript--assign things to a specific day. it's much easier to plan your meals if you know that every sunday night when the kids are in bed, you sit down with brett and figure out what you want to eat that week. likewise, it's easier to keep the house clean if you assign a couple of chores to every day, and then once you (and the kids!) finish those, it's guilt-free playtime the rest of the day. I find that my kids are more inclined to pitch in and get things done when they know that finishing up whatever task we have will be quickly followed by something fun and exciting that we all WANT to do--and my girls are also used to things being pretty tidy, so it really bothers them when they aren't.
anyway, just some thoughts that work for us, and I'm writing the comment not because I think we're perfect around here, but because I know how much the whole clean house-good mom balance is something I struggle with too, and how nice it is when I can get tips from other people to modify into my own routines. :-)
we so have to try the geocaching thing- so fun!
-and I am going on 15 years married- yikes- and think I am just starting to get it- a bit- but have a super long way to go- being organized and cleaned up. crazy.
Great pics. Fun, fun, fun times. Timothy and I were looking at your waterfall pics and decided it was DEFINITELY time for us to get in gear and go hiking. Fun times.
Here's a good quote: "a clean house is a sign of a wasted life"
We used to geocache in a former life. I suppose now that school is almost over we'll have to take it up once in a while. Thanks for reminding me it existed.
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