YAHOO we graduated!!! Okay, actually not really because Brett still has to defend on June 12, but he did walk. And it was exciting.
First off, some very blurry pictures of Brett getting hooded.

The ceremony was pretty nice. Those Glee Clubbers can SING, man! Luckily, I had lots of tips from others that made the day go smoothly, such as sending Brett's dad early with him so he could save us a seat (and even then Brett's mom and I didn't go in until after the National Anthem and invocation because when we got there there after the graduates were coming in), and making sure we decided on a place to meet each other before the ceremony. (Thanks Katrina and Tracy, and Brett's parents and everyone!)
One awesome thing was that the only student speaker (one of only 3 speakers total) was a guy are friends with from the other ward. And he did a seriously great job.
And we were totally blessed that it never rained on us!!
Brett with his parents who came from Utah.

These are two friends, Marriner (the one who gave the speech in commencement) and Doug, that graduated from USU and came here the same time as us. Six years ago. Wow.

The funniest thing all week was when I told them to flex and Marriner said, "I am." ha ha!

The most natural smile of all just happens to be on ...the motorcycle. :)

that is VERY exciting! man, I look forward to that day.
Yeah! I've been waiting for pictures all weekend! How exciting for you guys.
Congratulations! That's great about Marriner speaking, too. Cool.
Good luck on the job front!
Awesome post! Great weekend!
Congratulations to ALL of you!!! (Nice to see the black dress too Kayli. You look great!)
I love the picture of Brett riding his motorcycle! Leo said we could drive to your house on Thurs. to pick you up if it came to that. Then you could drive back with Lindsay Ann. It would be cramped and illegal, but what the heck--I want you to come party with us!
CONGRATS KAYLI AND BRETT!!!! Loved the pictures. You looked smashing, Kayli. Marriner is a cool name. Only I'd simplify the spelling. Loved the picture of Brett and Ethne--cute, cute. Now move to Utah already!!
Great pictures. Beautiful family. Congrats!!!
We are so thrilled for both of you! Wow, eight years have been good to you.
Did Rick ever wear any other shirt than the one in the picture? Because he left and returned here with the same shirt. Oh well.
The best picture of Brett is the one with Ethne. We don't get to see that big, loving, natural grin too often.
Congratulations! That's awesome! Good luck with defending!
YEAH!!! That is so exciting that graduation day finally came! I LOVE the pictures you got. Good job. I was showing Steve and telling him I wish we had gotten some jumping ones like yours. So cute.
Congrats to all of you for making it! Good luck things to come. (and the dress looks great!)
Congratulations!!! I'm sure you've been waiting for this for a long time! Just think - you came here with one and now you have four! Wow! You guys look great!
Hey, Kayli, someone in church walked up and said, "Cool pictures on Kayli's blog!" So I had to look and yes, they are cool pictures! Can you send me some originals, just because you're so nice to me? Thanks!
I know the feeling of being done CONGRATS!!! Great pictures too! How exciting to move onto the next phase of life eh!!! Good luck with everything!!!
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