Finally got a few things accomplished. Like this that I made:

Ha ha, you thought I really made that dress?! Psssshh!! No, Target made them, I just added the sleeves. As you can see they're not perfect, but I wanted Ethne and Hazel's dresses to have sleeves since I couldn't find any cardigans that I liked. I just used a pattern from a Simplicity dress pattern I have (the one I used to make Hazel's puritan dress). Here's the before picture:

And here are some bows I made to go with the dresses. I will of course have pictures of the girls wearing them on Sunday. Can't wait--they've been hanging in my closet waiting for a long time.

Easter eggs.

I like dying eggs. It is fun.

This is a picture Hazel made on the window. I liked the long hair, the crown, the smiley face and shoes, but especially--the sun --since it wasn't showing in the real sky. :)

Here's Talmage since he is the cutest baby ever.

Here's another picture made by Hazel. I think I should write stories and let her illustrate them and sell them because she's such an awesome artist. Though she did write her name backwards this time for some reason. (And since the z is small it looks like Leah, huh Ginger.)

More cute pictures.

Today Jethro wrote a note and gave it to me. On the front it says 'thanks,' and on the inside it says 'Dear Mom, I love you, your nice. I'd give you a house on an island if I could. I love you. Love, J.B.'

I made strawberry jam today so that is exciting.

Oh yeah, and in my last catch-up post I forgot to mention some of the things we've done in the past couple weeks. Jethro, Hazel and I went to the circus on the spur-of-the-moment (thanks so much to Gigi for graciously watching Ethne!!!!), and it was quite fun. Hazel was SOOOOOO excited to go to a circus. Jethro would have been more excited but he wasn't feeling great actually. I thought the dancing camel was awesome, and the trampoline act, and the motorcycle inside a sphere thingee. BUT, I
REALLY wish I could try the girl on the rope act. I know I could do it. It doesn't require any skill--all you have to do is put your foot in the loop and hang and get spun when the guy spins the rope from the bottom. I could do it. I asked Jethro if he thought I could do it, and he said, "Yeah, I guess. ........(very long pause) But what if you fell?" That is the million-dollar question I suppose, but I wouldn't fall! Anyway.
Also, Brett and I got to go to a dinner-dance that was hosted by the YW for their camp fundraiser. We had an awesome time and I know there were lots of cameras being clicked, so I'll have to see if I can get a hold of a few pitchas.
What else? Ummm, that's all I can think of. A friend of mine was asking about a bread recipe, so I will be giving a little "tutorial" in the near future. Although I feel weird about it since I don't claim to be a bread master. I wish I could have taken pictures of my
mother making bread, but she wouldn't fly out. ;)
Ooooo! Easter dresses for little must be Spring! Love it! So cute! You did a GREAT job of the sleeves. Can't wait to see them in them.
That is an adorable son of yours.. Both actually. One for writing his mom a love note and one for sitting for photos and looking so cute.
I for one will be eagerly awaiting your bread making post.
The sleeves look great! Well done!
Jethro's note is sooo precious! My husband doesn't write me notes with that much love in them! You should save that for forever.
Kate--the sleeves look great! I am so incredibly impressed. For Miriam's Easter dress I . . . went to Target and found a white shirt to go underneath. I have a new no sewing policy.
Your post made me feel bad. My kids are so beautiful. If only their mom knew how to do hair, make cute bows, sew--show off their adorableness. Then take decent pictures. Sigh.
Oh well-- when you come you can take a bazillion pics of my kids (esp Eli) and then I can show the world what a handsome dude he is.
PS--I would steal the name Talmage, I love it so much, except I picked out our next boy's name already. It's adorable.
Get working on the troll babies.
I'll bring this epistle to an end now. Sick of me yet? Timothy left me to get a stuffed cat at Savers for his movie. I'm feeling lonely. So I'll just keep writing more. Ha ha. Just kidding.
awesome job with the sleeves. i think i'm going to have to do something like that with hazel's dress for her uncle's wedding. that, or just cut the adorable bottom off of the icky top and make a skirt out of it.
and i agree with your thoughts on talmage. totally the cutest baby. dont' tell my kids i said so.
Fabulous Dress....I'm mean sleeves:)
That's so cool that Hazel spelled backwards is almost Leah!
Your girls looked so cute on Sunday! Good work on those sleeves and bows- so cute! Talmage is adorable!
you did a great job on the dresses! I am sooo impressed with all your cute projects!!! You rock!!
Your easter dresses are adorable great job on the sleeves! All your kids are so so cute!! And Hazel's ears look so good.
Looks like you all had a great easter!
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