Thursday, April 2, 2009


Now, I don't consider myself a very regimented or carefully planned person, in fact, I would say I can be so much last-minute that it's almost to a fault. But yeah, usually I like doing things on impulse, spur-of-the-moment, chill and see what happens, yadda yadda.

BUT, I am finding it just a TAD bit ....weird to not have any idea whatsoever what the next several months will bring us. Where will we get a job? Will we get a job? Will we stay here? Will we be swallowed up in a black nothing?

So I decided to write a plan for the year. Then I can follow or not follow the plan, but at least it's there.

Brett's 30th birthday

8th Anniversary
Brett's parents come for graduation-whoo!

Hazel turns 5!
Brett presents poster at conference in Tahoe
I dump kids on someone and go with him
U of U offers Brett a job and he accepts
Get house ready to sell
Sell house

move to Utah
go to Bell family reunion at Bear Lake --yahoo!
Jethro turns 7!
max and relax with family until we find a cozy, little happy home in the vicinity of Salt Lake with a little bit of land and no neighbours (what, you doubt?)
go to Rasmussen family reunion --yay!

Talmage turns 1!! (can that really be coming up so soon?!)
Brett starts his new job
I turn 26
We pick chokecherries with Grandma and make chokecherry syrup
Jethro and Hazel start school
we buy a pony and chickens and a goat from Jared

Brett invents some sort of medical device that saves gazillions of lives, including one particular very wealthy old man's grandson
We enjoy the mountains around us and hanging out with our friends the Merryweathers

the kids FINALLY get to go to one of Aunt Megan's halloween parties, Jethro as a cowboy, Hazel as an Indian, and I'm not sure for Ethne and Talmage yet.

Ethne turns 3!
Very wealthy old man dies and bequeaths a chateau in Switzerland to Brett for saving his grandson's life.

Christmas around family!!!

That is the plan. It's a good one. And it's flexible. If very wealthy old man bequeaths us an island in the caribbean instead, I can roll with that.

Then there's always plan B. Which is- get no job offers and be in constant turmoil over what we're going to do/where we're going to be in the next while. Ahh, good times. :)


Christina said...

That's a very good plan Kayli. I hope it all works out for you guys exactly like that. Except maybe you could add "We take the McKenzies along with us to visit the chateau in Switzerland." That would be cool.

Andrea said...

Where was "homeschool with Andrea"? Hmm?

That's okay--I'm sure it was just an accidental oversight.

How's those troll babies coming along??

Lynn said...

I like your plan A much better than plan B.

Tracy said...

Stick with plan A. I'm sure it will work out. You make me laugh.

Jessica said...

You already have costumes picked out for Halloween?...Now that's planning!
I'm a last-minute personality, too. Doesn't it seem the year passes even more quickly when plans are devised much too far in advance? Besides, my best ideas come under time crunches. Although, I can't say what wonderful ideas might evolve given preparation and adequate time, because it has never happened.
Excited to see you all...more.

Unknown said...

LOL! That is an awesome plan! I feel your pain!

Gigi said...

Kayli would you come up with a plan for me? Yours sounds amazing!

Heather S. said...

No! No! No!

Not just move to Utah, you need to move to Cache Valley!!!!!!!!!!!

Is he applying to USU? Does USU even have anything in his field?

I think that even if you don't get any job offers that you should move back to Utah. You know Utah is the best place to live afterall.

I'm amazed you made such a schedule. I wouldn't be patient enough to sit down and even do that.

Megan said...

Our goat should have babies in a month - we will save one just for you guys!!!

Kris said...

Nice plan! I'm kind of a fly-by-seat-of-her-pants kind of girl sometimes, but other times I need a definite plan! You make me laugh with your creativity, but I hope it all works out for you - maybe a tiny bit of me doesn't want it to b/c I would love to have you still here when we move back up to Lafayette! ;)

Sarah Harrington said...

Your sarcasm is hysterical!! I certainly hope it all works out. Of course our vacations to Utah will have to be a bit longer now since we'll have to add "visit Bells" to the list :) I especially like the part about the old man giving you a chateau. You're funny. But if he gives you the island instead- expect year round house guests :)

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