On Saturday Brett turned 30. Which means I'm a very young girl married to a very old man. Luckily he's a good-looking old man, so it's all good. :)
On Saturday Hazel woke up in the morning and came into my bed and Brett was already gone with Jethro to a service project, and I said, "Guess what day it is," and she said, "what?" and I said, "It's Daddy's birthday." And she asked how old he was, and I said 30!!!! And she gaped. And I said, "I KNOW! OLD isn't it?" And she said, "But we still love him. Cause he doesn't have grey hair."
On Saturday Hazel woke up in the morning and came into my bed and Brett was already gone with Jethro to a service project, and I said, "Guess what day it is," and she said, "what?" and I said, "It's Daddy's birthday." And she asked how old he was, and I said 30!!!! And she gaped. And I said, "I KNOW! OLD isn't it?" And she said, "But we still love him. Cause he doesn't have grey hair."
We did Bug Bowl stuff on Saturday, so we had his birthday celebration on Monday. Here he is blowing out his candles (obviously not 30 of them) on his Texas Sheet Cake, with a portion sans-icing because that's how he likes it (the weirdo).
Oh, and the balloon that was given to us free at the grocery store that morning, which had a pink breast cancer awareness ribbon on it that I turned into a 30 balloon. Classy, isn't it? ;)
So, really nothing too cool for his birthday. Which is sad, because I wanted a really exciting celebration, but oh well. I was going to hide the presents and make him do a treasure hunt to find them, but life happened and the treasure hunt did not. I really think Brett probably minds a lot less than I do. :)
These pictures were from the other day when the weather was nice so we walked to the park.
LOL! Old??? Dean must be ANCIENT! LOL!
Notice I didn't say me. I am not ancient or old. Nope. I am not!
What's a texas sheet cake and sansicing? And the pie does look beautiful-well done!
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