So Talmage turned two while we were in Tessin, so we put off his party until today. It caused Ethne a lot of grief that we didn’t celebrate on the actual day, and Hazel asked me probably three times a day if we were having the party now. Hazel really loves a party- so she gets most of the credit. I just decided to make a Where the Wild Things Are cake (because Talmage often makes mischief of one kind and another, and also he does bite as if he intends to eat us up, and is probably the most wild thing of all), and she insisted on making decorations, so I printed off some pictures and she colored them, and then she made this fantastic picture all on her own. I love how the monster dude is wearing a party hat and there are fun little presents and kids holding balloons. She taped them all up on the wall around our table.
So now, let the wild rumpus start!!
Face it, he’s the cutest little Wild Thing EVER.
I would have loved to make him a felt crown, or even a whole Max hat with the crown (with the ears and hood, you know), but I am without a sewing machine, so we had to make do by printing out a paper crown and coloring it yellow and taping it together.
He is SOOOOO cute blowing out his candles. I just love his little cheeks, little lips, little nose, beautiful eyes. Sigh. I am in love with the kid.
You know, the cake may not be the most fabulous cake ever in the world, and yet I am quite proud of it because of how little I had to work with. I had no food coloring, so I was a little at a loss at how to make the eyes and nose, but Brett suggested I just color paper, and it worked smashingly. Then I looked around for something for the horns and teeth, and found a few marshmallows leftover from roasting in my cupboard. I also do not have an icing decorating kit with tips or anything, so I just used a ziplock baggie with a corner snipped off. Voila.
And for his present… a teddy bear. (You were expecting the book or a Wild Things teddy or something weren’t you?) He actually got his marbles and marble roller for his birthday, I just gave it to him a couple months early. Awww, he loved his little bear though.
I can’t believe he’s two!!! Two is much too old! We even picked today’s nap to finally take away his soother (pacifier, for you non-Canadians), which he always gets at night. I had read somewhere that you should cut off the sucky part of the soother and show them that it’s broken, so they don’t wonder forever where it went, so we cut off the top and gave it to him and his face was sooooooooo perplexed and sad. He gave it back to us and cried. But he did go to sleep after not too long. And he went to bed tonight without a problem (but he had his new teddy to snuggle).
Happy birthday Talmage, please don’t grow, I’ll eat you up I love you so!
Happy Happy Birthday to an adorable 2 year old!!!
P.S. Awesome cake! You are so smart. Great job.
Kayli, your cake rocked!! Seriously, I can't believe you managed that.
Oh, and if you happened to receive a book in the mail, what book would you want that to be?
Ahh. what a great party! I can't believe Talmage is two. Craziness!
that cake rocks! great job!
(my kids parties are lacking, I should hire hazel to come be my party planner!)
you did do a great job with the cake - it was adorable. Happy birthday talmage!!!
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