I just have to take a moment and introduce you to the Jacks in my family.
First, my great-grandpa Cougar Jack. I suppose he is the original Jack.
Then Jack my dad.
My brother, Derek Jack (he doesn’t always dress like that, but it would be awesome if he did). His son, Gideon Jack.
My son, Talmage Jack (I’d say something here about him being the cutest Jack, but I’m not sure I’m up for all the abuse that will come my way if I did that).
Sebastian Jack, son of Kami and Leo.
And now- born just a few days ago (on my birthday- cause he knew how awesome that would be!) – the newest Jack! Jack Lloyd, Wyatt and Lindsay Ann’s first son (I say first which obviously implies he’s not your last- right Lindsay Ann?!).
This is Grandpa Jack with Baby Jack.
And just because it is so amazingly awesome- a picture of Little Jack on his first horseback ride – at 2 days old. (Wyatt, you rock.)
At our next get-together, we’ll have to take a picture of all the Jacks together.
Ahh--nothing makes a newborn look tiny like Dad's hands. Love it. I got to hold Baby Jack and he is adorable and smells like heaven. Love him already.
Cool. I love every single Jack in your family. Cause they are my family too. ; D
Congrats to Wyatt and Lindsay Ann!
my jack is jack lloyd also!
how fun!
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