Monday, February 5, 2024

March 2021, Navy turns 5, and Random Bits

     Here are things that my camera says happened in March 2021. 

A picture from Jethro's mission:

Hazel was trying to do watercolor portraits for people to raise money for her HEFY trip. This is our cute family a la cartoon.

Cutest little cousins!

I don't love always having these orbeez everywhere, but it was a cool, colorful picture.

I think I got this at the D.I. and I told Ethne to wear it to school on St. Patrick's Day but she wouldn't!! Lame. It was so cute. (Short, but she could have worn leggings.)

Cute Navy.
I mean, it's fine if she just stays four forever, right? Today Brett and I went to a tree farm and were looking at different trees to buy with the nice sales guy/farmer, and he said, "Is she your only child?" And we said no, and Navy said, "I'm the youngest. EVERYBODY LIKES ME."

Amy invited us over for a St. Patrick's Day dinner and had mustaches. :)

Brett getting a ride for some kid's bike back to the house by holding onto the van.

Cutest little leprechaun! I gave him gold coin chocolate candies to give away at school. It's my favorite.

Hazel was trying out different skirts for her prom outfit. And gosh, Ethne was so tiny back then!!

Sometimes for fun my boys put their sister (Ethne) in a box and roll her around on the dolly and then dump her in a ditch and run the go-kart into her. Or put her on the trailer and leave her there. It's seems like a good time, so I allow it.

Well, she did it. She went ahead and turned five like she doesn't even care that she's my baby. So rude.

Taking Talmage somewhere south of Cache Valley for a soccer game.

Talmage's knee would start to hurt a lot. We figured he had Osgood-Schlatter's Disease, which "happens during the growth spurt of puberty. During a child's growth spurt, the bones, muscles, and tendons grow at different rates. In OSD, the tendon that connects the shinbone to the kneecap pulls on the growth plate at the top of the shinbone. Activities and sports cause this to happen over and over, which causes injury to the growth plate. This injury leads to the pain of OSD. OSD usually happens in kids that are:

  • in their growth spurt (usually around 9–14 years old)
  • active in sports or activities that involve a lot of running or jumping"

Cute boys sleeping.

Navy sleeping.

1 comment:

kami said...

You should never have allowed Navy to turn 5. She was SO little!!! And I love that cake. One of my favorites.

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