Friday, January 20, 2023

Laguna Hualcacocha

So much for my idea of recording events while still in Peru. Oh well, it's from memory now. :)

The next day we got picked up again and drove to our next hike to Laguna Hualcacocha, in a place called Ulta Valley. We met Walter today, (the one in the green coat) who was super awesome too. They were the best guides ever.

Honestly Laguna Haulcachoca is suuuuuch a gorgeous blue. It really rivals some of the more well-known lakes in the area. 

It's a little too bad we had so many clouds because it does dampen the brightness of the color, but it was still so amazing.

It was fascinating just looking out the window as we drove past all the little mountain villages, and of course Brett asked a million questions about how they farm and whatnot. We mainly saw people using these little wooden plows. Brett said he saw maybe 5 tractors total, the whole time we were there.

We drove past the Llanganuco Lakes.

And to our campsite, Yuraqcorral, for the next two nights!

Jethro playing soccer with Jeffrey.

They had put up our tents for us, and then there was the cook tent (left, below) and the dining tent (right, below) and they brought hot water and soap for us to wash, and hot water for tea or hot cocoa (which was gross compared to American hot cocoa, but we still drank it).

They had these delicious wontons with cream cheese inside to dip into guacamole which was the best guacamole I've ever had in my life as our appetizer. 

Then after we ate, or maybe before we had dinner, but after our drinks and appetizer, everyone played soccer for a while.

So, yes, I think this was after dinner, when everyone went out and played MORE soccer. Even Hisao and Jeffrey. I was like, criminy you guys need to rest your feet! But they were having a great time.

Jeffrey was 17, and after they were finished soccer, he asked Jethro to race. Jethro wasn't sure if he had the word right because it seemed so unexpected, and he's like, "to see who's faster?" And so we watched them book it down the field and it was awesome.  Jethro's crazy long strides gave him the win by a big margin.  Then everyone raced, even Hisao. haha


1 comment:

Kami said...

Your video is not playing!!! Also this is by far my favorite campsite of all the ones you were at. It really is stunning--the soccer pics and sunset. Gorgeous!

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