Playing in the woods.
We went to a Family Day in Thun with our friends the Nicks, and the kids got to ride a pony,
swing on a swing ride,
and Jethro waited in line forever and got to jump on the trampoline bungee.
Talmage can be so sweet with his siblings. Sometimes if he gets in trouble from Mom, he’ll go to Hazel or Ethne for a hug. Or if he gets mad at one of them, he’ll go to Jethro. This night he brought Hazel a book and she started reading (meaning telling the story) to him, and he put his arm around her. It was the cutest thing ever.
One day we explored a little river ravine near us. It was fun. Brett and I tried to tear the kids away from the water to go for a walk, and they were miserable and whiny, so we went back to the water and they played and waded most happily for a good long while. That’ll teach us to try to remove kids from water.
This girl is cute with a hole in her teeth.
And she is learning to ride her bike. She is really close, but I don’t think she has a real burning desire. Talmage likes riding too.
What else has been happening? Hmm, not too much. Last Sunday I told all the kids to bring their blankets and pillows into the front room and I got out one of the books I had ordered for Christmas and started reading it and they loved it. The book is Half Magic by Edward Eager and the kids all liked it. Jethro of course, finished it himself the day after we started reading it together.
The kids have this week of school and then they get three weeks off. Then they have another 2 weeks off after Christmas, a week off in February, and three weeks off in April. Does anyone (maybe someone who’s kids go to year-round school) have any ideas for me for what/how I should plan for those breaks?
I love your pictures, as always. and I finished part of Ethne's costume last night (only pattern I had to start working on) and it is AWESOME!!!
Talmadge is the cutest little babe ever!!! So fun! all of them!
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