So I have several things to catch up on after all the horse stuff, but before anything else, I must post these. Because when you have the cutest boy in the entire world living in your house, you must take a million pictures and then post those million pictures for everyone to see. Oh, my heart convulses when I see this grin. Awwwwwwww.
Not for long.
He just saw something out the window. A cow probably. Or horse. He loves that we have horses and cows to look at every day out our window. His only two words besides ‘mama’ and ‘dadda’ are ‘neigh’ and ‘moo.’ I love looking at his sweet little lips. I could just kiss them off his face.
He looks happy, and he is, but don’t think that’s he’s never ornery. He does a VERRRY good ornery face when he is told no. Usually it’s also accompanied with laying his head back and closing his eyes, or just sprawling on the floor like he’s dead. Soooooooo funny. I mean not. Yet, it is. Pretty much you have to try REALLY hard not to laugh.
There it is. Ha ha ha!!! He hasn’t gotten annoyed to the point of closing his eyes yet though. I forgot, he does have another word. It is ‘uh-uh.’ As in no. He says it to everything we say. Durn contrary kid.
Happy again. :)
Oh the cuteness!!
Aaaaahhhhh!!! I LOVE HIM!!!!!
He is really stinkin' adorable. What a lucky mommy you are to have three others that match that cuteness. :)
He really is the cutest kid!!!! Love the horse posts! and whoa to the cutting board! kind of scary but I can see how your glad it wasn't plastic!!
Yes, I think you might be right. That is one adorable little guy.
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