So, as crazy as things were before--they are still crazier yet.
Going back to Indiana felt sooooo weird, knowing that we were leaving. We did a whole lot of cleaning, packing, and fixing up the house. In fact, that's all we did. Well, we did get to visit with a few people and have dinner a couple nights with some of our good friends. At first I was very full of energy, but by the sixth and seventh day I was really ready to be done. And Brett had so much to do, otherwise we would have been out of there sooooo much sooner. He had to
do all the drywall and painting and windowsills for the windows since we never did that after he replaced them. And cleaning out the garage and whatnot. That place was filthy. I am not kidding it was disgustingly, outrageously, grossly filthy. But he sold his biodiesel stuff so that was good. And we had so much help from people--so many people took Talmage for me. Pretty much every day so I could get things done.
Brett's cousin Ben and his wife got there the night before we left. They are really nice and I am happy knowing our house will have such a good family in it. Here we are all in front of the house the morning we took off. (They have two kids too, but they were asleep.)

Goodbye house--you've been a good home.

We stayed in Omaha one night at their empty house during our trip. It was funny to swap places.
The drive went quite well, except for perhaps the most harrowing experience of my life --a stretch of freeway right outside of Omaha where we were driving in torrential rain in the pitch black and every second I felt very very close to out-of-control. I don't know how long we drove like this, but I finally called Brett on the walkie-talkie (he was driving the truck pulling the big trailer, and I was driving the car pulling the small trailer with the motorcycle on it) and said we really needed to stop because I couldn't SEE anything. (Have I mentioned I really don't like driving on the freeway very much, especially places I'm unfamiliar with, nor do I like driving at night when I can't see very well, and also I've never pulled a trailer before this trip?) Anyway, he said, "Well as soon as I find a place." And pretty soon after that, all the traffic came to a complete stop, we assume because someone had an accident. We did not move at all for the next hour and a half or two hours. Brett was like, "You got your wish." And it was
kinda nice because I took a little nap in the car and when we started driving again the sun was coming up and it stopped raining.
Here are some pictures from mid-America.
But we made it. Jethro and Talmage were really good, and we had no mechanical difficulties (on the way back--on the way there we got a flat tire and spent a couple hours in a Wal-Mart in ummm--Nebraska I think.)
Okay, now for the part I was talking about how things are crazier now than ever. When we were in Omaha we checked the messages on our phone and found a message from a guy in the Utah State Biofuel program and he wants to talk to Brett. Now, I think there is little to nothing Brett would like a career in more than Biofuel. Also, Logan has been our dream place to live ever since, well, we lived there. So that aroused much excitement, though we haven't been able to talk to the guy yet.
FURTHERMORE, the guy from the job in Switzerland called and said the other guy they were going to hire bailed and do we want the job there.