Brett, Jethro, and I loaded up the bunch of scrap we had in our back yard and took it to the recycling place. It was kind of fun unloading, and just chucking stuff as high as we could up the scrap mountain. We made about $400.
I played baseball one night with some people in the ward and someone took this picture of me sliding into second. It was sooo fun! I had some great hits and I just LOVE hitting!
Hazel turned 15!! She kept asking if she could have a party and I kept putting her off, and then I told her to come babysit for Brenda at volleyball and we told her to go get something from the YW room, and SURPRISE! All her friends were there to celebrate her birthday. So that was fun. :)
They gave her some fun things!
Swimming in Brenda's pool. :)
I let Talmage out of the van to grab the mail, and then he jogged in front of us so that we couldn't pass him, the rascal.
Brett, Jethro, and I went out for sushi to celebrate Jethro's graduation and his 36 on the ACT. Here's a funny story about Jethro that I don't think I already shared. We went to an award's ceremony with Jethro and Hazel at their school (I don't know why exactly, that was a bad choice), but anyway, the keynote speaker at the beginning said, "Whoever is the smartest student here, stand up." And everyone looked around, and no one stood up, and he said, "No really. If you're the smartest student, I want you to stand up." And of course, no one did, but someone in the crowd yelled, "JethRO!!!" and that made it worthwhile going to the boring awards ceremony. :) Also, he just got his AP test scores yesterday, and he got a 5 on his European History, Literature, and Calculus tests, and a 4 on his Physics II test.
This time we loaded up our old dead truck into our trailer. I was in the truck, and Brett pushed me in with the tractor, and it was so scary! I was like, "We're not going to fit!!" and Brett was like, "We'll fit." Also, it was very difficult trying to steer because the power steering was out. But we made it. And it fit. And then I had to crawl out. Very strange.
This was from a Sunday we went for a walk at McConnell's Mill. Hazel climbed a tree.
So I had to prove I could do it too.

I ordered a new swimming suit for Navy and it was SOO cute!
My niece, Olivia, saw the below picture and said, "Too bad she has no personality." haha
Hazel and Ethne went to girl's camp, and I drove a load to camp. Here's a funny camp story they told me. They came home saying "How come EVERYONE knows Jethro?!" Idk. Anyway, they were playing a MASH-type game, where you put down a few names as your marriage options and then it ends up selecting one. So someone was doing it for Hazel, and she had selected a couple names but then said, "I can't think of anyone else," and then a random girl from a different ward walked past and said, "Put Jethro." And Hazel said, "Ummmm... that's my brother." hahahaha.
While I was driving, Brenda watched a couple of my kids, and she got Navy in the water! Before that, she had dipped her toes in and that was about it.
Navy and Kainoa jumped in to Brenda over and over and over.
And Orrin showed me his new trick of a back-dive. (Wasn't really a backflip, but still so cool!!)
And here's a different day at the pool. Navy got even more comfortable in the water and will swim all over by herself!
Smoothie mustache!
Another day, another trip to Brenda's pool. :) This time Brenda was gone, and this time it rained on us, because Pittsburgh. And Brett came!
Then it started really pouring and we went inside and waited for it to subside a little so we could tidy up and go home.
Sunday selfie.
Ethne got a new dress and was looking very grown-up.
And Wyatt made awesome crazy faces, as per his usual.
Then Ethne grew a beard. Hahaaha!
Lastly, we sang in church.