Adorable baby and a toothbrush.
Reminded me of these pictures of Ethne-
And then I saw these pictures and thought how crazy it is that my girls are sooooo BIG now!!
Why do kids have to grow up???
Anyway, here's a picture of me and my honey. Which reminds me, my sister pointed out how silly it was of me to curl my hair before going on a motorcycle, so let the record show that I didn't know I was going to ride the motorcycle before I curled my hair.
(and p.s. it wasn't that hard to curl my hair anyway because I just showered in the morning and used the wrapping method like how my hair is in this picture:
I bought the kids a big bag of legos from the second-hand store because it was 50% off and had lots of wheels and pull-back cars in it, and we're always running short of wheels and we always love cars. The kids were all enthralled and loved looking through them. I tend to think that kids use their creativity more when they get a big grab-bag of legos than when they get a set with instructions. When Brett got home he was excited about them too and had to build a car really quick before we had prayers. And my floors have been full of legos ever since.
Orrin was tired and ornery one night and went to sleep right here.
I love my cute little Wolfie!!
He's close to not nursing at all anymore, which makes me a bit sad. Also at his last checkup he was a little anemic, so he's now taking iron supplements every day.
This kid is very very handsome.
This kid is very very cute. And she's getting some new top teeth which is always fun.
Kids in the tub. Talmage's faces crack me up.
News: Brett is going to Utah to interview at the University of Utah!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!
To end with, here is a cool video. I like the song and it makes winter sports look fun, but mostly I love the dancers: