1. So it’s almost the new year, and I can’t believe that this means we’ve lived in Switzerland for THREE years. I think I was somewhat aware of the first two years going by, but this third year, maybe since I hadn’t planned on it?, kind of breezed past all sneaky-like. For heaven’s sake, we were talking today about how Talmage will start Kindergarten in the Fall. KINDERGARTEN! He was a BABY when we got here!
2. Today in primary I gave sharing time and we talked about Saul/Paul making a commitment to serve the Lord when he was converted, and then talked about the commitments, aka resolutions, we could make this coming year. So the kids wrote down resolutions, and then we had a family council and talked about our family resolutions. Brett and I also decided to try out giving allowances—I don’t know what got into us, but hopefully it will teach our kids good things. So tonight I printed out all sorts of lists and charts. You want to hear what kinds? I’ll tell you:
BOM Scripture Reading Charts for Hazel and Jethro, Chore charts for all the kids for their daily chores (for which they’ll earn their allowances), better charts to replace the ones we have for whose turn it is to be on dishes and unloading the dishwasher (which they’ll be expected to do just because they’re in our family, not for any monetary earnings), spelling list for Hazel (whose spelling is funny and cute but should probably be improved), new copy of the Family Rules (same rules as always, just needs to go up on the wall again), and finally, an Articles of Faith checklist for Jethro and Hazel (and Ethne, since there were 3 to the page).
How long and how well will we keep up with these things? We shall see.
3. I thought maybe if I worked on Brett long enough for the name that I want for our baby, he might give in. No. So once again I am anguished by the searching for a name. Even the missionaries, in their nice little Christmas card they gave us, said, “May the Lord lead and guide you in 2013, and even help you find a name for your new baby!” ha ha ha. I thought that was so funny and nice of them. I was discussing it with them one time and they always ask if I’ve come up with anything and give me ideas.
4. Brett and I found a house that we really really really liked and really wanted to move into. It was split-level with high ceilings so it felt really spacious, had built-in bookshelves and a fireplace, and a nice kitchen, and closets (!) in two rooms, and a garden place, and was at the very end of a road on the very end of a little town and had pretty fields all around it. I was sure that was the place we were meant to be. And then the lady wrote us a nice letter telling us we had too many kids. SOOO discouraging!!
5. We went sledding yesterday and had a grand time, but when we got home I was hobbling around like a decrepit old lady –and I really had NOT done much besides a bit of walking in snow. But it was mainly my pelvic joints, not really my muscles, so I guess I can legitimately blame it on pregnancy. The pictures turned out beautiful and I can’t wait to show them. :)
And that’s all I’ve got.