Here is a husband tag that you've probably all seen somewhere or another, but I finally decided to do it because it was Brett's birthday earlier in the month, and I didn't even mention it! And because I love him and like to talk about him. :)
How long have you and your husband been married?
6 years, 11 months, and 23 days. That’s a long time. I remember when I first got married and was in the married student ward and I thought the couples that had been married two or three years seemed like they’d been married forever!
How old is he?
29!! But don't worry honey, you make a few grey hairs look HOT! ;)
How long did you date?
About 4 weeks.
Who eats more?
Brett, easily. Except I eat more icecream.
Who eats more sweets?
Who said I love you first?
I can’t remember!! Isn’t that awful? But I know we said it before we even kissed, so that had to be really soon, like a week or so since we started dating???
Who is taller?Brett, by about two inches. I’ll be interested to see how tall our sons (and daughters) turn out.
Who sings better?Neither of us is super-great, but we’re both okay. Every so often I can get Brett to sing a song with me while I play the piano. I love it. One thing I’ve always been really glad of, is that when I sing along to all the songs on the radio when we’re driving, Brett never ever says ‘can’t we just listen for awhile without you singing?’ like my brothers would say.
Who is smarter?Umm, totally Brett. In pretty much every way imaginable. But I did get a better score on the ACTs, so maybe I’m smarter at test-taking. (And I'm smart enough to marry someone so smart!!!)
Interestingly enough, Brett never liked reading before he married me, but then I taught him to love it, and the other day when we were at the library, he came to find me and I was in the YA section (which is what I almost always read), and he said, “You’ve got to get out of the YA –read something a little more weighty.” I was like—So I teach you to read and now you’re being a book snob to me???
Who does the laundry?
Me mainly, but sometimes Brett will throw a load in of his dirty oily work clothes, or help me fold if we’re watching a movie.
Who cooks dinner?
Generally me, but if Brett does it always tastes DE-licious to me, and I’m not sure if it’s because he’s a sensational cook, or it is just so wonderful to not have been the one to cook the meal.
Who does the dishes?Me, but occasionally Brett. He definitely started out doing them more often, but has tapered off. Rudie.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
Me, but in all our years of marriage the alarm clock has been on my side of the bed, so he has to reach over me to turn it off, yet I never wake up. I’m a very good sleeper. :)
Who pays the bills?Me.
Who mows the lawn?Brett.
Who drives when you are together?Oh Brett. Totally Brett. He thinks it is sinful, or at least very disturbing, to see a woman driving if there’s a man in the car too.
Who is more stubborn?Hmm, my first reaction is to say Brett, but actually it may be me in some cases. Sometimes Brett says, “Fine, just do what you want because I know you’ll keep bothering me about it until you get your way.” What?!
Who is the first to admit when they're wrong?Neither of us is very good at that.
Whose parents do you see the most?Pretty equally uncommon these days.
kissed who first?
Ummm, I think it was a mutual thing.
Who proposed?Brett.
Who is more sensitive?Me. Brett has an issue with tact sometimes. Hee hee.
Who has more siblings?
Me, by 3 (he has 5, I have 8)
Who wears the pants in the family?
I would say Brett. But we are good about deciding things together—except cars, I have no say in cars.
And a few more things that I love about him.
He is never afraid of anything! Get married to a youngie--no prob. Have a baby while you're both still undergrads--easy. Go to grad school and have three more kids--sure. Pull out all the windows of your house and replace them--of course. He never thinks he can't do something. He's never afraid of responsibility and I am glad he is so confident because then I am too.
I love how whole-heartedly he gets into stuff, and the interest he has in so many things. I love when he compliments me, because it is ALWAYS sincere. He never says anything he doesn't mean. And it always makes me feel so good.
He is my bestest friend in the world and the person I very most like to spend time with.
I asked Jethro this morning what he loves about Daddy, and he said, "I love that he rides a motorcycle sometimes to school (so now you know how to gain a few points with Jethro--just ride a motorcycle). And I love that he plays with me and does stuff with me, and tells me so many things, and takes me to Scouts sometimes." And it's true--Brett really DOES tell him so much stuff--explaining anything and everything from cars and electricity to farming and I can't even tell you all the other things. And he plays with him sooo much! I LOVE that about Brett--he is such a good player with the kids! Board games and bull rides and playing outside.
Hazel says she loves that he goes to work so he can work so hard and then come back home. And she likes it when he scares her and plays games with her.
Furthermore, Brett is going to do a ridiculously super fabulous wonderful job on his prelim exam tomorrow! I LOVE YOU HONEY!